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my favorite part is when i busted the door down. used my super power to force the enemy to attack the chicken, therefore causing a chicken swarm killing all of them, and then when i got to the final area I used my other super power and became the new unbeatable boss in a secret area nobody can find. Also, my hair grew an inch in that level.

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Post for August 26th!


Paid off DQ7, game is gonna fucking rule!


On 8/25/2016 at 11:15 PM, gm112 said:

Katie! What was your favorite part of that game? Write a FISSURE REVIEW.

Of course Geem!, which game?


20 hours ago, Crim said:

my favorite part is when i busted the door down. used my super power to force the enemy to attack the chicken, therefore causing a chicken swarm killing all of them, and then when i got to the final area I used my other super power and became the new unbeatable boss in a secret area nobody can find. Also, my hair grew an inch in that level.

This so hard!

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Post for August 27th!


Still collecting them AC Syndicate trophies. The ghostbusters game is meh.

23 hours ago, gm112 said:

Epnis Persona!

Of couurse geem!

Penisona Queue is a mix of Persona 3/4 and Etrian Odyssey. The game has a map on the bottom screen which helps and has automap which is great because i'm fucking lazy. You can make up your party from the P3 and P4 characters. You can equip each person with a sub-epnisona. the foes in the dungeon are annoying, it has funny P3/P4 HUMOR.The last word is capped because i forgot to shut my caps lock key off.

the game is worth the 20 dollars i paid for it. i give the game 3 out of 5 personas

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Post for August 29th!


Got another Trophy in AC: Syndicate. shit is tight. Gotta get some points in the Watch Dogs 2 thing so i can get a free shirt. Shirts rule!


21 hours ago, Crim said:

i beat a bunch of kids and people in pokemon tcg, then went to their house and ate their food.

Did you tape the cards to a ball or something and smack them with it?


"Iron Tail bitch!"

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Post for  August 31st! 


Not sure if i'm going to platinum AC: Syndicate. Getting kind of bored of it lol. Might just start RE4 PS4. Downloaded the Battlefield 1 beta. Gonna try that later. Gotta make sure i try the beta before it ends.


30 minutes ago, Crim said:

no, i didn't. how would they have served me their food if they were unconscious. gotta plan ahead man.

Haha good point. 

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Post for September 2nd!


 Got about 4 main missions to 100% sync the main missions in AC:Syndicate. Started RE4. Game is still fun!


23 hours ago, Crim said:

Im enjoying the battlefield beta, but only when i am playing with people i know. on my own its a bit bland.

Nice. i'm not really good at the new Battlefields lol, 1942 was my shit. Loved that game. I suck horribly at pretty much everyone after 1942 haha.

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Post for  September 3rd!

Got 1 trophy left in AC: Syndicate which i need to delete my save file for. Woo!


Started RE4HD, i somehow got confused at the controls. Poor Leon.


20 hours ago, Crim said:

well, this one is technically 1914-1918 haha. world war 1. so get gud scrub. lol jk.

Well i've got about 30 years to get good according to the game dates :D.

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Post for September 5th!

Kicked some fishies ass in RE4HD. Met the Merchent, he's my dog.  Jumped down into their fish pond and was all boom smack. Now my inventory is full of fishies. Where ya going Leon. Still love RE4!


21 hours ago, gm112 said:

Nice. Don't wizz on the electric fence

XD geem i will try to remember that.

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Post for September 6th!


10 days until DQ7 woo!


Got eaten by the giant fish in RE4 again. Guess it's revenge for grabbing all those fish in the little underground place with the fish. Then i harpooned him and won so huzzah.


Tomorrow is some playstation event. They'll probably announce the less fat PS4 and the upgraded PS4 which is probably more fatter then the current PS4!

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