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About gm112

  • Birthday 07/29/1993

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  1. Finally got to the root of the problem at least pertaining to this issue - install older Visual C++ runtimes, I've had luck with 2012, but it seems theres something with the runtime that some pieces of the runtime depend on (I suspect 39dll of all things tbh)
  2. Also, showing off test animation with Bulma as our reference (the model was also custom made) 1207799249_2021-12-0500-37-43.mp4
  3. Finally have path finding on navmeshes! 1111068216_2021-12-1403-06-15.mp4
  4. Making progress on Saturn! : D Say, whose your favorite character in AC, FISSURE-san? 505958085_2021-12-1403-06-15.mp4
  5. Nice! Hope you have time off, man. : D I'm getting mine soon as well!
  6. YATA! What are your thoughts on AC from launch to now? Do you think they should've delayed the game a year? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFfOEsGVQAAG407?format=jpg&name=large You're lookin super fab here btw, FISSURE-san ^_^
  7. YATA! He's back. Do you still play Animal Crossing? Also, I'm glad you had a good thanksgiving, man : D Sorry to hear about your uncle. =/ 2020 and 2021 will definitely go down in history.
  8. Working on a simple library that can be reusable for anyone using JavaScriptto! It does command stuffs.
  9. It's been a long 3 years... Sharing some screenshots of stuff thats bein worked on. Working on finishing some technical debt in Saturn. Have a nice watcher setup with Deno runtime that compiles things really fast! Managed to setup a devcontainer so that development environments could be shared. Its building the container image in this next screenshot. Also, been setting up my 3d printer for fun stuffs
  10. I still check here and idle in [TheWorld] lol
  11. Hiya FISSURE-san. Hope you're doing well 🙂
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9j7kLG7VK8 The feels.
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