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Blood Willow

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About Blood Willow

  • Birthday 03/16/1990

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    Tigard, Oregon
  • Interests
    I am Kitty-Girl! Meow!

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  1. @FISSUREI've been trying to trim the chub and tone up a bit myself. It's hard, so I feel yeah. But good luck! I'm sure you're doing great! =^_^=
  2. Miracle of Sound has been cool. Mainly 1 guy, and he calls it his music project. This is actually playing as I type this, so enjoy =^_^=
  3. Oh wow..# years later 😛 I'm in Oregon. Still replaying BG1..Also back into Destiny 2
  4. I feel like sleeping a day away (=_=) But i have soooo much shit to do
  5. I've been so busy with working, family, natural disasters and looking for a better job, that I'm still playing the same set up (-_-)
  6. He doesnt wanna tell us cause of how much is 'hand-made' by himself. lol He has to add the tomatoes for flavor if nothing else XD Too salty otherwise, especially with cheese 😛
  7. Although its very slow going, simply cause i dont has a lot of time to read and such, but Eyes of the Dragon. I'm not that far in yet
  8. Lately I've been playing Ni No Kuni 2, Shadow of the Colossus, and SMITE on my PS4. My loving Husband got me Baldur's Gate remastered on Steam =^_^= So I've also been playing number 1
  9. I've been looking up some of those binaural beats i've started hearing about. Interesting mixes if nothing else
  10. For the topic of Labyrinth Then for me myself, recently
  11. Costumes, going to Husbands Mom's as usual for that stuff, and whenever I can get with my best friend and a few others, we take advantage of the night by doing a ritual or few.
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