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Post for April 10th 2022!

It's been a minute!

Both my mom and brother ended up getting a job where i work, which is nice.

I've started to take a break from the dating apps as nothing has come from them >.<;

I'm still looking to finally move out on my own, which has been a long time coming, though i do wish i did all this stuff in my 20's like people do instead of my 30's. Oh well. Can't dwell on the past and what i didn't do. Just gotta move forward!

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Post for April 21st 2022!


I've decided to try and lose some weight. So i'm trying the whole calorie counting and healthy eating stuff.

Gonna be walking on a treadmill every other day, while slowly adding in jogging at the end to try and build up my endurance or being able to jog more i hope.


Using the app "Lose it" to try and log roughly the amount of calories i'm eating. If i logged everything right it should be around 1400 calories for today. According to a BMI thing i should burn around 2000 a day normally so we'll see. I'll be weighing myself every 2 weeks.

My current weight as of yesterday is 196 going by my scale.


My next weight day will be May 4th! Let's do this.

Walked on the treadmill an hour today for 4.2 miles, the last 1 minute and 20 seconds was spent jogging. I'm gonna slowly up the jogging every time i go on the treadmill.

Edited by FISSURE
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I've decided to try and lose some weight. So i'm trying the whole calorie counting and healthy eating stuff.

Gonna be walking on a treadmill every other day, while slowly adding in jogging at the end to try and build up my endurance or being able to jog more i hope.


Using the app "Lose it" to try and log roughly the amount of calories i'm eating. If i logged everything right it should be around 1400 calories for today. According to a BMI thing i should burn around 2000 a day normally so we'll see. I'll be weighing myself every 2 weeks.

My current weight as of yesterday is 196 going by my scale.


My next weight day will be May 4th! Let's do this.

Walked on the treadmill an hour today for 4.2 miles, the last 1 minute and 20 seconds was spent jogging. I'm gonna slowly up the jogging every time i go on the treadmill.

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Post for April 26th 2022!

Still trying to count my calories almost every day, i've skipped a few treadmill days so i've gotta get back onto that, i had probably around 1100 calories today since i woke up late and didn't have breakfast.

I last did the treadmill 3 days ago for 50 minutes and 3.6 miles. The last minute and 30 was spent jogging.

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