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[The Lost Ones] Guild Hosted Party! (Your all invited!)

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Welcome everyone!

Seeing as theres a lack of players online, i've coming up with a way we can all have a get together all at once and chat together! Me and Merit, as the guild leaders of The Lost Ones, have decided to have a guild hosted party, where EVERYONE is invited! (We're just sponsoring it)

Place: 'Sol Ariea' Square in the Tavern

Time: 8 PM (Central Time)

Thank you!





~ Balverine (Balverine)

~ Meritorious (Meritorious)

- Orbman (Water)

- lelouchxLamperouge (Kururugi Suzaku)

- blootooby (Villager)


- Princess Rei (Princess Rei)

- hawthorneluke (hawthorneluke)

- apeiron (Apeiron)

- Kanaria (Kanaria)

- Rutao (Captain Awesome Rutao)

- Yatana (Innis)

- Blood Willow (Blood Willow)


Request Form:


In-Game Name:

Date/Time Available:

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Welcome everyone!

Seeing as theres a lack of players online, i've coming up with a way we can all have a get together all at once and chat together! Me and Merit, as the guild leaders of The Lost Ones, have decided to have a guild hosted party, where EVERYONE is invited! (We're just sponsoring it)

Place: 'Sol Ariea' Square in the INN

Time: <Not Avalible Yet>

Anyone wanting to join should fill out the form! Each form date/time will help us decide when the party should be hosted!

Thank you!





~ Balverine (Balverine)

~ Meritorious (Meritorious)

- Orbman (Water)

- lelouchxLamperouge (Kururugi Suzaku)

- blootooby (Villager)


- Princess Rei (Princess Rei)

- hawthorneluke (hawthorneluke)

- apeiron (Apeiron)

- Kanaria (Kanaria)

- Rutao ( Captain Awesome Rutao)


Request Form:


In-Game Name:

Date/Time Available:

XD wth?

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We need to figure out a set date...

Well figure that out whenever we give people plenty of time to sign up and make sure they have good times to attend.


Vote in a post of what you think the date/time should be. This poll will be open for about a week (End date: 20th).

Date/Time Poll: *All times are (GMT-6:00) Central Time (US & Canada), so please make sure you select one good for your timezone*

1 = 8:00 PM+ - Monday - Friday (Select a day)

2 = 1:00 - 5:00 PM - Saturday (Select a hour of the day)

3 = 8:00 - 10:00 PM - Saturday (Select a hour of the day)

4 = 12:00 PM - Saturday

5 = One of your choice (Select date/time)


How to Vote:

- Option (1-5):

- Day (If Option asks for it):

- Hour (If Option asks for it:

- If #5:

I didn't include Sunday cause there usually a busy day to party on, but thats also what #5 is there for if you wish for it to be on a Sunday.

Thank you!


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Today the poll has ended!

It seems there all 1 way so, around 8 PM (Central Time) on a Saturday, we will be hosting the party. Which date exactly, that will be on the the 26th, which is this Saturday.

If anyone is busy on that Saturday (26th), please say so! We want to be able to have EVERYONE involved!

Thank you!

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