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How did you find out about this game?

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Well, I was introduced to this game by thedivinefang07, which when I first got here, I wasn't too interested in .hack// but this community got me going on it :)

The shame is, my first meeting of Luke, was through me making an apology post for spamming ._. I still feel bad for that though x.x

so yeah! Post how you found this game!

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I had been playing .Hack//GU at Kao's house this summer, wishing there was an actual online game. Sure enough, he told me about this place.

Unfourtunately, since I'm only a few days in, I haven't gotten a chance to really meet Luke yet. But I hope to meet all of you soon enough!

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Looking for pronz, what else? I don't really remember what I was doing to come by this site.. totally blank.

I first met Luke when I was asking about being able to map... then I mistook him for an asian...

... man was I wrong...

And I met GM through a bit of everywhere, mainly Skype + MSN and we just became good friends from there :P

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how i got here? oh god that's a long story @.@

well, i guess a year before i got here i was searching for dot hack online games after beating GU. i found you guys and cc around the same time. i slowly learned... around that time you released a new revision of your game, roughly around december 15th. i logged on with my sister, freaking out of course about the game.(i was 11, what do you expect?) shortly after i met hawthorne and aku. i didn't know he was an admin and talked a bit freely, thank god i only had good things to say :P it was only later i learned -_-. the next day i changed my sprite to my now trademark golden armor.(i originally had Fragment's sprite :P) and waited around. soon after i made my forum profile, and the rest is history XP

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lets see. i was a non registered lurker for a few years after i found info on it from the dothackers forum... (which i also lurked there :P )

and you can't meet luke.. he is the laughing man, and we all know that no one knows where and when he is.

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Well, I was introduced to this game by thedivinefang07, which when I first got here, I wasn't too interested in .hack// but this community got me going on it :)

The shame is, my first meeting of Luke, was through me making an apology post for spamming ._. I still feel bad for that though x.x

so yeah! Post how you found this game!


I don't remember that at all lol

I'm glad things turned out they way they did though cheesy.png

Let's see, I was introduced to .hack by Balmung about a million years ago, where he liked the idea of trying to make a .hack mmo with me, him the mapper, me the programmer (yep, probably like every other .hack mmo attempt on the net wink.png >_< lol)

I'd been making some other mmo attempt before, or maybe two, or even three lol and felt I had a bit of experience to pull it off, but I KNEW it would take aaaages, even if it seemed like "hmm, well getting it to a standard where you can move around on maps and talk with players, like .hack//chat (aah, the good old days lol) shouldn't be THAT hard or take THAT long", after spending not THAT long (about 50 years later), here we are cheesy.png lol

Hahahaha. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? And now look at where you are. :P

As for me, my story with TheWorld dates back to Summer 2006. I happened to be competing against this game with a project that so happens to be an MMO, Oracle Of Life, at an event known as z3(it was a forum-specific event). Out of much interest, I joined and reported a BSOD(blame stupid IGP >: ), which never got solved.. as it just fixed itself overtime.

Meeting Luke? We just started talking on MSN one day. Since then, we've been pretty good friends :P.

How on earth can you remember dates down to the month lol.

I can't remember even years o_O lol

Although now that you mention it, I remember that z3 and taking a day off work (well, I was just being dragged off to work with my dad who's self employed anyway so it was nothing special... Although getting my dad who absolutely HATES computers to let me have a day off just for that sake is very weird o_O lol) ...and then z3 was postponed a day XD

But that z3 was probably the best one lol, was pretty awesome cheesy.png

I think everyone that has contributed in some way to this project has... just completely stopped ...except gm112, who must be completely insane cheesy.png lol

Well, excluding all you awesome forum members that have been here forever that is cheesy.png lol

Simple, Google.

I actually wonder how (keywords, or where they found info) people that find the site in such ways actually do so lol

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Aaaaah right, in the game lol

I remember now :P

Yeah, dangerous thing to do lol, seeing as I didn't see why people that even after being warned a couple of times don't obey not just the rules but common sense and common courtesy should be allowed to play the game and I wasn't up for letting such people get away with it and do it again while boosting their ego because they think they can get away with it with just a short temp ban :P

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Meh, I can see how someone could be curious enough to try it.

Curiosity killed the cat, and I'm pretty sure that cat didn't die without helping but be curious :P

Just a shame that some people just like to ruin things for others, which is why I've not left any mercy on it lol

But the good people can easily contact me and end up great forum members it seems though :D

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Meh, I can see how someone could be curious enough to try it.

Curiosity killed the cat, and I'm pretty sure that cat didn't die without helping but be curious :P

Just a shame that some people just like to ruin things for others, which is why I've not left any mercy on it lol

But the good people can easily contact me and end up great forum members it seems though :D

I'm sure the cat wasn't killed :P but was brutally beaten ._.

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  • 1 year later...

When I joined, i had watched EVERY .hack// movie and tv show, read EVERY book and manga, and played .HACK//Infection (which i still havent beat.) I had a friend who was bata testing this and then a couple days ago I joined. so i was a devoted OTAKU before I joined. i guess you can say though that my personality is like that of Haseo in the beginning... >_< I hate it when i say that... I feel so alone on this...

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