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About Dantes

  • Birthday 08/20/1991

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    Florida, United States


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  1. Need to wait 2 more months before I can play GU vol. 3...

    1. Nekocat


      why do u need to wait so long.

  2. Yay. The game works. My college internet connection does not.

  3. Okami is a must play. First 40 hour game i've played in years.

    1. lelouchxLamperouge


      I really can't stand Okami

    2. Dantes


      That makes me so sad. I absolutely loved it.

  4. Nothing to do but listen to music and be bored

    1. Crim


      well, there is always games of some sort.. like sc2. or xbox... or id you don't have those, then get you an n64 emulator and get mario party... say bye to boredom.

    2. gm112


      Mario Party is only fun when you have 4 friends over

    3. Crim


      good thing ive had friends over everytime :P can't say the same for dantes lol.

  5. I doubt they have any plans of releasing a 3d version at all (and I believe they've stated that in the forums), but even if they did create one, they would probably want to finish the 2d version they're working on right now first.
  6. To be honest with you, it doesn't matter to me what races get added, I'll just be a human. I'm boring, I know :P
  7. Done with my first week of school. So tired.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lelouchxLamperouge


      gah... Tsukasa, you make it sound depressing D:

    3. Nekocat
    4. Dantes


      at least it's college, so it's 39 weeks of what I want to study

  8. Hmm, can't seem to log in... Bummer, I was hoping to maybe talk to someone in the world today.

    1. Nekocat


      iam on right now

    2. Dantes


      Yeah, I still can't seem to get on. I might reinstall later

  9. Ugh, time to get ready for school.

    1. lelouchxLamperouge
    2. Dantes


      Glad my pain keeps you amused :)

    3. lelouchxLamperouge


      It does, it's very amusing :)

  10. Really liking Okami and Fragil Dreams

  11. I don't really know either. I guess since the hint is "binary for a" we could assume the a is for the "a" in Mac Anu. Or, "a" is the first letter in the alphabet, and Mac Anu is the first town in .Hack//GU. These are pretty far fecthed, but it's a really loose connection I guess :P
  12. Yeah, the whole post threw me for a loop, and I tried every possibility as well. For anyone else who decides to visit this post, the original post was: It's gm112's post in particular that seemed like a code word, but as stated above, it doesn't work at all.
  13. It's really sad when you try to find .hack music and all the results are for twilight...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lelouchxLamperouge


      Girly vampire noob twilight

    3. Apeiron
    4. Dantes


      Yeah, the song I was looking for (and found btw) was Key of Twilight, so I should've expected as much I guess...

  14. Lol, my bad. I'm still kinda new to forums, so my etiquitte isn't really 100% :P Looking back on it a day later, i can see how useless my post really is.
  15. Hey, I was browsing through the forums and I came across a post about the unoffical event where someone had to find the cookie, the cookie actually turning out to be a person. Anyway, someone posted this: "The cookie is in "B<x><x>"... <x> is an unknown letter =). The third letter is the 9th letter in the alphabet. The second one will make the three letter combinations make sense. Once you've figured it out, try it and eat the cookie. =)" My question is, is this an area keyword? Because I thought I had all of the current words (22), but none of them match this hint. ANyway, a little veteran advice for this poor noob would really be appreciated. Thanks ;)
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