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[The World] Newcomer Manual

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"Another newcomer, hmm? Well, welcome to [The World]! Take it slow and easy, its your first time taking your steps in this place or you wouldn't be talking with me in the first place now would you?"

"Well firstly, let me introduce myself! I am Balverine, one of the two Guild Leaders of "The Lost Ones" and also been appointed at this time to be your guide as you explore and get use to [The World]! If your all ready, please follow me this way."


Lesson 1 - Rules

"Oh don't give me that look, you know there are always rules and laws everyone must abide by, or everything ends up in chaos. You don't wanna to be the reason for that now do you? Good, then lets start our first lesson! Also, this lesson is very important so please pay attention to it."

Rule #1: Being kind and polite is always a must! Kindness can go a long way! Being rude won't get you NO WHERE!

"Very true this is. If you were to be rude to me now I just might not continue on with your lessons and let you suffer, but as long as you stay on my good side, I think we'll have a enjoyable time! Rrrright...? Good!"

Rule #2: No excessive swearing! There is a filter in place which can be turned off in the options menu, but overly use curse words might make people think differently about you!

"Saying fuck a few hundred times just makes you look like a dick. Remember rule #1? Don't be rude with your swearing and you'll be all right!"

Rule #3: Trying to be an impostor is a big NO! Won't get you no where but a 1 way ticket to ban-ville.. and thats not a very nice place. Look forward to this place if you break this rule!

"There might be a time when someone tries this on you, so please don't believe someone if they're trying to act as a staff member so hard. Only true staff can pull that off perfectly cause its what they do."

Rule #4: No Spamming! Theres never a need to do this.. EVER.

"Never got why most people do this. Maybe of the shear randomness meaning it has, or cause it makes them look a big attention whore.. either way, don't do this please."

Rules #5: Enjoy yourself!

"Its such a great rule, its summed up into two words! Why else would you be here? Maybe to hate every minute of it and then cry yourself to sleep? I sure hope not!"

"Well thats the end of Lesson 1! Whenever your ready for your second lesson, please follow me this way."

Lesson 2 - Basics of [The World]

"Ah, the main idea of your surroundings in one little area. Now, don't think this is gonna be a very difficult lesson, as its very much based off common sense."

"To start off, we'll talk about the controls!"

- Arrow Keys: They allow you to move around. If you move into a different zone portal, it will automatically teleport you without you having to click on it. Also while holding the CTRL key down, you can use the Arrow Keys to move which way you facing without physically moving your character.

"Your source for most things, so get used to using them alot."

- Mouse: Use it to select your UI (User Interface) buttons, scrolling through the chat, clicking on the Chaos Gate or Area Portals (When near), and scrolling over players and areas.

"There also some other basic functions that you can use your mouse for, but i'm sure you can figure those out easily by yourself.. nothing fancy."

- UI (User Interface): Shows your mini-map, chat-box, options, name tag chooser, and other additional things.

"I'm sure you'll get used to it fairly easy so don't worry about it so much."

- / commands: If you do /me and then say something like, "/me sighs softly" it will come out saying * <Your Name> sighs softly. Also, if you do /players, you can see a # and list of names of the players online currently.

"Not sure if there are more myself, but i'm sure you'll figure them out if there are."

"Right now with [The World] still changing, theres alot more basic functions to come but this should sum up most of it. If you need more help, don't be afraid to ask."

"If you understood any of it and ready to move on, follow me this way."

Lesson 3 - Chaos Gate

"Ah, the Chaos Gate! Its actually a pretty nice thing to use, even though the name does sound like something to access Hell itself with. All you need are 3 simple letters we call "Keywords". These keywords form the name of a map that you wish to visit!"

"For example, the location you start off in is SOL, which stands for 'Sol Areia' Square. The keywords aren't always abbreviations or part of the actual map name itself, but just the secret password for the map. If you find them, use them here at the chaos gate and you'll be sent there. Along with that, you'll also have the keywords saved for easier access so you won't require remembering them by heart!"

"If you understand what a Chaos Gate is and how it works, please follow me for the next lesson."

Lesson 4 - The BBS

"The community forums! This is where you can speak with other members of the game, along with the staff themselves. You also post any questions you may have or get support here. Along with that, you'll also find any current or upcoming news so you'll be able to see whats going down, or will soon. Lovely place it is! There are also rules when using the BBS so please pay attention to them!"

Rule #1: Advertising must be only done through your signatures. If you want to advertise something you made, post it in the Showcase sections found in the Programming area.

"Don't be shy! I won't eat it, I promise!!"

Rule #2: Disruptive Behavior is a big NO! Trolling, Flaming, Impersonating, Spamming, Rent-A-Modding is all against the rules here!

"Common sense, am I rite?"

Rule #3: Don't post anything illegal such a pirated software or anything that involves hacking of the sort. This is a forums for a game, not your dirty ways!

"If you have mad pirate-bay skills, don't post about them. Nobody will care and it will just get you in trouble!"

Rule #4: Font Color must be readable. Don't overuse it in every post you make, and don't have it illegible! We must be able to see it clearly!

"I wish to keep my eye-sight please. No super-bright pink or yellow thank you!"

Rule #5: Common Sense. Use it!

"Nothing for me to add here, it speaks for itself clearly so if you don't understand it.. please just leave now."

"Theres also two categories I almost left out. Rep, and Levels. Levels goes up along side of your post count, so every so many 25 posts or something, you'll gain more levels. It goes up in weird intervals, so don't ask me what the next one might be, cause I don't know myself. Also, Rep is something you can give, and someone can give to you. You may applaud someone which gives them +1 rep, or smite them for a -1 rep. Now, don't be sad if you have -99 rep, were not gonna think differently of you!"

== gm112's thread over the rules ==

"Thats all for this lesson! Hope you learn alot from it. If your ready for the next one, continue following me to the next one."

Lesson 5 - Support

"The BBS is the best place to ask for support as the community and the staff themselves can assist you the best they can. If you need to speak in private, don't be afraid to send a PM there way! Please don't abuse that though and flood them about simple things.. we as the community can help you with those if they haven't already been answered for you else where when someone else up the line as already asked it."

"I am also open for PMs and will help the best I can, so don't be afraid!"

"Also, here is a list of all the staff members currently weather there still active or not."

Game Staff:


Hawthorneluke ~ Owner




BBS Staff:



Hawthorneluke ~ Owner



"Whenever your ready, follow me again please."

Lesson 6 - Advancement

"You thought I was gonna give you a rank up or something right? I sure fooled you then! I'm here to congratulate you on finishing your lessons! You now understand how [The World] and the BBS works. Follow all the rules, and remember, enjoy yourself please! Thank you for attending this session, and allowing me to be your guide. You were a good student!"


"Hope to see you in-game!"

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Its ok, I just removed the text since its mostly done, and if luke doesn't want any posts and does something with it he can easily remove all our posts and lock it.


-Heed this warning everyone!)

If somebody ignores that statement, I will look down upon you as a complete idiot for totally ignoring absolutely noticeable BIG red text!

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you forgot to mention the rep and level on the forum section, some ppl will wonder how you raise those things. i also like the comedy in there. it lightened the tutorial and made it less painful.

Why should anyone care about rep and level though? In truth there nothing but useless things. Like i've stated before in previous posts over those things, there not needed and nobody should care even with -999999999.

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The BBS rules should link to the rules I posted back when I re-vitalized the forums in June :P! As for support, you should add some names in there.


Game Staff






Orange Juice

BBS Staff





And have the names link to their profiles so whomever is reading may find that person easier. You can look into adding a little side note next to each names :P.

You can look into redoing the format a little. It doesn't go easy on the flow, in my eyes, at least. I accidentally thought I was reading lesson 1 when I was actually reading lesson 4, lol.. I thought you accidentally copy pasta'd lesson 1 to 4.

Add some screenshots! They're good eye-candy. Hit "additional options" on the bottom left hand cornerish while posting so you can upload the screenshots. (hint hint, I'm giving tutorials).. Teach people about some of the features on both the game and forums. Show people how to save all of their PMs! etc..

Hope my suggestions help you out :D. This is good, and you've just got yourself a sticky!

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The BBS rules should link to the rules I posted back when I re-vitalized the forums in June :P! As for support, you should add some names in there.


Game Staff






Orange Juice

BBS Staff





you forgot one:

Super Special Awesome Section


lol :D

other than that, looks good.

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The BBS rules should link to the rules I posted back when I re-vitalized the forums in June :P! As for support, you should add some names in there.


Game Staff






Orange Juice

BBS Staff





And have the names link to their profiles so whomever is reading may find that person easier. You can look into adding a little side note next to each names :P.

You can look into redoing the format a little. It doesn't go easy on the flow, in my eyes, at least. I accidentally thought I was reading lesson 1 when I was actually reading lesson 4, lol.. I thought you accidentally copy pasta'd lesson 1 to 4.

Add some screenshots! They're good eye-candy. Hit "additional options" on the bottom left hand cornerish while posting so you can upload the screenshots. (hint hint, I'm giving tutorials).. Teach people about some of the features on both the game and forums. Show people how to save all of their PMs! etc..

Hope my suggestions help you out :D. This is good, and you've just got yourself a sticky!

I'll add those names in w/ links in there when I can.

Layouts a work-in-progress as I go thing anyways, so no biggie there. You might only have gotten confused cause of the Font, B, and U for the rules look the same, but there 100% different. Another reason why I added spoiler tags to divide them so you can know there different. Sorry if you feel its confusing.

I'm gonna add screenies later also down the road cause I just got down to work with screenies so I decide to take a break from them for a while but they will be added, no worries.

I have also already talked about features for the BBS and in-game so theres nothing else I can really add to that anymore. Also on the save PMs thing, it makes me wanna download them as a seperate file, so I decide to skip that. I mean, its just common sense and experimenting, they gotta learn on there own a bit too.

But noooo worries my man! I will get everything looking better smile.png

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I have also already talked about features for the BBS and in-game so theres nothing else I can really add to that anymore. Also on the save PMs thing, it makes me wanna download them as a seperate file, so I decide to skip that. I mean, its just common sense and experimenting, they gotta learn on there own a bit too.

But noooo worries my man! I will get everything looking better :D

Did you ever notice "Save ALL PMs" on the sidebar? :S..

Anyhow, I look forward to seeing future changes :P

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I have also already talked about features for the BBS and in-game so theres nothing else I can really add to that anymore. Also on the save PMs thing, it makes me wanna download them as a seperate file, so I decide to skip that. I mean, its just common sense and experimenting, they gotta learn on there own a bit too.

But noooo worries my man! I will get everything looking better :D

Did you ever notice "Save ALL PMs" on the sidebar? :S..

Anyhow, I look forward to seeing future changes :P

Yeah, but every time I click it it pops up asking if I wanna save them as a web document..

EDIT: Also just added the staff list. Bread, Orange Juice, and Pangas are non-existing unless you gave me wrong names.. but they don't exist anymore :|

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I have also already talked about features for the BBS and in-game so theres nothing else I can really add to that anymore. Also on the save PMs thing, it makes me wanna download them as a seperate file, so I decide to skip that. I mean, its just common sense and experimenting, they gotta learn on there own a bit too.

But noooo worries my man! I will get everything looking better smile.png

Did you ever notice "Save ALL PMs" on the sidebar? :S..

Anyhow, I look forward to seeing future changes :D

Yeah, but every time I click it it pops up asking if I wanna save them as a web document..

EDIT: Also just added the staff list. Bread, Orange Juice, and Pangas are non-existing unless you gave me wrong names.. but they don't exist anymore :|

XDD.. Those were fillers, Balverine tongue.png.. I was going to leave it up to you to make the list. What I had was simply an example, haha..

And yes, it exports them to an HTML file. It's supposed to do that, hence "Saving your PM's".. :P

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I have also already talked about features for the BBS and in-game so theres nothing else I can really add to that anymore. Also on the save PMs thing, it makes me wanna download them as a seperate file, so I decide to skip that. I mean, its just common sense and experimenting, they gotta learn on there own a bit too.

But noooo worries my man! I will get everything looking better :D

Did you ever notice "Save ALL PMs" on the sidebar? :S..

Anyhow, I look forward to seeing future changes biggrin.png

Yeah, but every time I click it it pops up asking if I wanna save them as a web document..

EDIT: Also just added the staff list. Bread, Orange Juice, and Pangas are non-existing unless you gave me wrong names.. but they don't exist anymore :|

XDD.. Those were fillers, Balverine tongue.png.. I was going to leave it up to you to make the list. What I had was simply an example, haha..

And yes, it exports them to an HTML file. It's supposed to do that, hence "Saving your PM's".. :P

Well i've never used a forum that used a html file instead of actual space else were (Like in an e-mail), so its new to me :P

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I have also already talked about features for the BBS and in-game so theres nothing else I can really add to that anymore. Also on the save PMs thing, it makes me wanna download them as a seperate file, so I decide to skip that. I mean, its just common sense and experimenting, they gotta learn on there own a bit too.

But noooo worries my man! I will get everything looking better smile.png

Did you ever notice "Save ALL PMs" on the sidebar? :S..

Anyhow, I look forward to seeing future changes :D

Yeah, but every time I click it it pops up asking if I wanna save them as a web document..

EDIT: Also just added the staff list. Bread, Orange Juice, and Pangas are non-existing unless you gave me wrong names.. but they don't exist anymore :|

XDD.. Those were fillers, Balverine tongue.png.. I was going to leave it up to you to make the list. What I had was simply an example, haha..

And yes, it exports them to an HTML file. It's supposed to do that, hence "Saving your PM's".. :P

Well i've never used a forum that used a html file instead of actual space else were (Like in an e-mail), so its new to me :P

Ahh.. tongue.png.. Well, that's fine.. everyone learns something new every day! (isn't that partly why this topic exists? :P)..

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Looking good :D lol

But with the controls, ins't CTRL + arrow keys = change facing direction, not ALT? Also you can use right click to move and CTRL + right click to again jsut change the direction you're facing. These controls as well as all the commands are written in the "controls" section of the menu at the top left of the screen in game lol.

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;-; it keeps saying could not connect to server is the server down or am i just control alt failing? :'O

i spent like an hour trying to find this game now i found it  =( and it wont work for me  :D if u can help me ill be ur best friend forever  :P

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