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Item Suggestion Thread!


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do what diablo did :D

make a list of about 100+ suffixes and prefixes, and when an item is created, choose 1 of each randomly. that's 1,000's of items with minimal programming.

each prefix/suffix adds its own attributes/flaws.

depending on quality (rare, set, magical, unique, normal, whatever else) it would get certain attributes.

and to add some variety, make the min/max damage random, a bit. randomly add/subtract 0%-30%  from an items base damage/defense/speed/whatever.


<prefix> <item type> <suffix>


Poisonous Great Sword of Speed

[base Great Sword attributes +/- 0-30%]

25 psn over 5 seconds

10% faster attack speed.


<item type>


Great Sword

[base Great Sword attributes +/- 0-30%]


same as magical, but better modifiers. harder to find.


These items you would hand program. They would be hard to find, with good (but not overpowered) stats. maybe these could be only found in dungeon chests/bosses?


as mentioned above, get more pieces in a set, get more/better modfiers.

and to add evenmore customization, something like ShadowFlare said. in diablo its called socketing, but also known as augmenting. An item with sockets can have other gems/jewels/socketables inserted, adding extra bonuses.

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I think its boring to only have ~5 weapons for each class (like in every free MMO). variety/randomness means highly customizable. its retarded when you go play a game and EVERYONE is wearing the same gear. don't just say "we will make alot...duh" as you'll come to realise item making is repeditive and boring. that's why all mmo's lack variety. instead, if you are worried about looks, you can spend all the saved time making MANY different item types/looks.

same for dungeons/areas. Just like in the PS2 games, they used random generation. They didn't hack-craft every possible area. so the game needs random areas unless we decide to only make a few (50+ ?) large areas brilliantly hand-crafted.

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I think its boring to only have ~5 weapons for each class (like in every free MMO). variety/randomness means highly customizable. its retarded when you go play a game and EVERYONE is wearing the same gear. don't just say "we will make alot...duh" as you'll come to realise item making is repeditive and boring. that's why all mmo's lack variety. instead, if you are worried about looks, you can spend all the saved time making MANY different item types/looks.

same for dungeons/areas. Just like in the PS2 games, they used random generation. They didn't hack-craft every possible area. so the game needs random areas unless we decide to only make a few (50+ ?) large areas brilliantly hand-crafted.

Yeah, we ARE going to have mostly random-generated areas.

For items though, if items were to be randomly generated then you would still have people with only one out of five pieces of equipment, only their names and stats would be slightly different. Isn't it much more awesome if we have 5 and constantly increasing pieces of equipment per class, all with different sprites? :D

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I agree on everyone being unique and having lots of customisation :D

Also, I plan on making a random field/dungeon/whatever generator at some point too (But of course plan to have specially human built ones too, heck, maybe even player built places :P)

i know this is a VERY bad example, but has anyone played runescape and seen the player made housing in that game?

this game is actually more fit for that, as there are codes you put into the portal to get to other areas

maybe there could be a portal to a place, where there is ANOTHER portal that you can then get to someones house from

only reason i suggest that is because there is a limited amount of codes you can make with the keyboard.

i hope it was easy to follow this message, if you need more clarification, just ask

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Well, with the current system there should be about 46656 different possible "codes" :P

But yeah... If its for peoples own houses or whatever, A slightly different system would probably be much better (Unless people owned their own field or something :D lol)

ill change the subject, as this is the "item" suggestion thread

i dont know if this has already been discussed, but how should we arrange item upgrades?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Um I agree with the guy who mentioned having a sword and like placing stones or something in it that adds attributes to the sword instead of having like 5 different swords with different powers! Like lets say you kill a monster and You gain a fire stone... then you can equip that to your sword! Maybe some swords will be able to hold 5 stones or something...

and there can be different types of swords! Maybe daggers can only carry 3 stones but SUPER RAREEEE daggers can carry 5 or jsut medium rare can carry 4... just an idea though.. later on something like this will be cool.. :D 

And a good item would be like a grunty or some kind  of animal ( Like a bird like animal or something..) that you can tame and ride/follows you you( it can maybe make you travel faster or something when you walk around areas).... I think that wouldnt be too hard to make in game maker... but then again.. adding this to the servier and making everything in sync is a pain i think..:P

ill post more items up if anything comes to mind


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Um I agree with the guy who mentioned having a sword and like placing stones or something in it that adds attributes to the sword instead of having like 5 different swords with different powers! Like lets say you kill a monster and You gain a fire stone... then you can equip that to your sword! Maybe some swords will be able to hold 5 stones or something...

and there can be different types of swords! Maybe daggers can only carry 3 stones but SUPER RAREEEE daggers can carry 5 or jsut medium rare can carry 4... just an idea though.. later on something like this will be cool.. :D 

And a good item would be like a grunty or some kind  of animal ( Like a bird like animal or something..) that you can tame and ride/follows you you( it can maybe make you travel faster or something when you walk around areas).... I think that wouldnt be too hard to make in game maker... but then again.. adding this to the servier and making everything in sync is a pain i think..:P

ill post more items up if anything comes to mind


Yay! Grunty! Smittee would love a grunty. Not too sure how that would work just yet. Still learning.

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Um I agree with the guy who mentioned having a sword and like placing stones or something in it that adds attributes to the sword instead of having like 5 different swords with different powers! Like lets say you kill a monster and You gain a fire stone... then you can equip that to your sword! Maybe some swords will be able to hold 5 stones or something...

and there can be different types of swords! Maybe daggers can only carry 3 stones but SUPER RAREEEE daggers can carry 5 or jsut medium rare can carry 4... just an idea though.. later on something like this will be cool.. :D

The idea isn't bad, but i don't really agree with it. It could work for saving up effort for coding every weapon with it's own elements, attacks, and characteristics overall (as .Hack is), but the game would become more focused on gaining those stones and power them up or something for better skills, and that could turn into a freaky FF7 materia/GaiaOnline mix XP The idea is awesome, but i don't think it's fitting for this game...and first, we should wait and see the advances and current ideas of the battle engine XD

And a good item would be like a grunty or some kind  of animal ( Like a bird like animal or something..) that you can tame and ride/follows you you( it can maybe make you travel faster or something when you walk around areas).... I think that wouldnt be too hard to make in game maker... but then again.. adding this to the servier and making everything in sync is a pain i think..:P

Could be troublesome with the "tame" and riding part, but for now, adding a small quest that grants you with a grunty that can follow you and even send a few messages every once shouldn't be hard and would fulfill this suggestion. Only downside is that, within 3 days after activating the quest, every active character will be followed by it's respective grunty; not bad though, just funny and wierd to see XD

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Although right now the biggest problem is that that all requires even more work from non existing spriters >_< lol

That powering up items with stones or whatever is known as socketing, isn't it? I don't see why it'd be a bad idea to have some form of items being applicable to other items or something lol. But yeah, I don't think it should be the focus of the game or anything.

The pet idea also sounds like it'd make things more interesting too, so I'd love to see such a thing in game :D

Now, who's coding it? biggrin.png........ :P

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Yes, but if it's going to follow you like that, sending separate position data for it wouldn't be so efficient, plus there's still other things such as obtaining it, saving it into your characters data etc. A blob that just trails behind you like that sounds like a waste though :D

If something's going to have an existence as a pet, I think it should be far more interesting/useful.

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