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Item Suggestion Thread!


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Okay, with any luck Luke will read this and think it a good Idea.

Suggest an Item to be put into the game!

(Nothing crazy like Kites Bracelet, or a super powered thing that beats everybody)

I say-An Axolotl*, Just a little Axolotl that sits on your head!

Please post, and with any luck, Luke will put the best into the game!

*an axolotl is a Salamander that looks like a little pink frog, =)*

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Some items can be made up simply for aesthetics for characters. Plus, it's really simple to tag an effect on items.

yeah, what i meant by useless rare item thing ^^ lol

hmm, a lot of these will have to be considered at a far later stage when we already have a lot of the game done and ballanced out etc

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AIDA, 2x of all stats, causes any negative effects after a minute of usage, including death

*addiction not neccessary*

To me, that seems like one of those items that you get involuntarily, that gives you an enormous stat boost and a horrible defect, such as a certain percent of success where the AIDA makes you attack allies and other things like that. However, I believe "items" like that should be left for later stages, as it's also one of those major pieces of the story that time should be taken to make it good.

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  • 1 month later...

You guys should add a greataxe...

a 2h weapon, and slow, but very powerful.

would be in different classes of weaponry types...

like metal, or whatever ur gonna use, or elements or something.

you mean like forging items to give an element to the weapon like Ragnarok Online?

we'll need a blacksmith related class to do that

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You guys should add a greataxe...

a 2h weapon, and slow, but very powerful.

would be in different classes of weaponry types...

like metal, or whatever ur gonna use, or elements or something.

you mean like forging items to give an element to the weapon like Ragnarok Online?

we'll need a blacksmith related class to do that

Not necessarily. There are many MMOs where being a forger isn't a class, but just a job or profession, which any class can take up.

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i read it as that it's just a weapon in some high end weapon class that belongs to the axe class, which class for example could be called metal (and for example the classes could be like wood, stone, metal, for each weapon class)

i think such basic ideas of a slow and powerful axe are bound to be included as normal weapons somewhere along the line :D

i have no idea what 2h means though, maybe that makes it very different? lol

but anyway i've been fond of the idea of having the different sorts of weapons (swords, axes, poles etc) split up into classes that just define generally how strong that type of weapon is, but with far more interesting names then something like "metal" though :P

i really hate how many mo's just love to use tons of these basic names for everything/material types/weapon types etc

makes things quite unistering in my opinion :/

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Aquroya

Wow, this is my first post here.  Hello everyone!

I guess, I'll suggest... I don't know, maybe some of the ordinary items from The World, like Aromatic Grass, Yellow Candy, Rainbow Card, Grunt Doll, etc... Ummm, I haven't played it yet, so I'm sorry if those items already exist...

Oh, and Azure Kite's Cookie!  It was a rumor started in another The World game that if you have Azure Kite's Cookie, you can summon him to give you help- but if you don't give it to him when you call him, he will data drain you.  It's a pretty far-fetched rumor, but wouldn't that be a fun item to have as a joke?

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  • 1 month later...

Instead of a crafting system. Consider .hack//GU.

I have a level 1 sword. It has one slot.

I have a (fire gem). It adds fire attack to my weapon. It takes one slot.

I have level one armor. It has one slot.

I add a tortoise shell to my armor, reducing physical damage by 10%.

To make a simple explanation, You can swap out armor and weapon upgrades, so instead of carrying like, 5 different elemented swords, you have items that you can just augment your weapon with, according to what you want.

I can elaborate more and start listing low level equipment to start if neccessary.

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  • 1 month later...

You guys should add a greataxe...

a 2h weapon, and slow, but very powerful.

would be in different classes of weaponry types...

like metal, or whatever ur gonna use, or elements or something.

Normally, the two-handed class is the Heavy Blade. However, in .hack//infection, a character named Piros is a Great Axeman, wielding a giant axe. His attacks are, indeed, slow and he wears heavy, bulky armor. They learn very little (none?) magic and some attack skills. There's also the Long Spear (Ex. Crim, Gardenia) who wields a two-handed spear.

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