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About bulletcatcher

  • Birthday 09/05/1992

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  1. You could probably implement all the R:1 and R:2 classes (obviously, minus the repeats), but just a couple at a time for balancing. I dunno, just would be my suggestion. It'd be nice to have a sort of R:X kind of feel to it, with all of the classes.
  2. Read Eragon and Eldest, loved them. I've lost interest since then though, so I don't plan to read Brisingr.
  3. Nightmare of Nunnally is an alternate story where (like Kanaria said) Nunnally gets a Geass like Lelouch's, and Lelouch is a super pilot rather than strategist. Love the ending too, btw. A few of my friends didn't like it... don't see why. ):
  4. Surprised there hasn't been a topic, considering I know a few people on these forums like Code Geass. <.< "The Empire of Britannia has invaded Japan using giant robot weapons called Knightmare Frames. Japan is now referred to as Area 11, and its people the 11's. A Britannian who was living in Japan at the time, Lelouch, vowed to his Japanese friend Suzaku that he'd destroy Britannia. Years later, Lelouch is in high school, but regularly skips out of school to go play chess and gamble on himself. One day, he stumbles on terrorists 11's who've stolen a military secret and is caught by a member of the Britannian task force sent after them, who is Suzaku. As the rest of the squad arrives, Suzaku is shot for disobeying orders, while the military secret, a young girl, gives Lelouch the power of Geass, which makes anyone obey any order. While Suzaku is secretly made the pilot of Britannia's brand new prototype Knightmare, Lancelot, Lelouch becomes the masked Zero to lead the rebellion to destroy Britannia once and for all." [1] Two seasons (the second called Code Geass R2) were released; R2 first aired 6 months after the last episode of season one. The series (spanning 50 episodes and 1 inserted recap) was great as a whole. Nearly every episode ends in a cliffhanger, so if you're a sucker for wanting to know what happens, get ready for a long night of viewing. There are many, many concepts, story lines, and complex events that take place throughout the series, and most of them make sense by the end of the second season. On the side of quality, the animation is often smooth and the actions scenes are usually amazing, but as expected by a longer series quality tends to drop for an episode or two occasionally. The soundtrack of both seasons has plenty of tracks to be remembered, and fit into the series smoothly. The series often maintained a generally good rating by viewers, but the last episode's criticism and acclaim is widely mixed, and chances are, when you finish the series, you'll either love the ending or hate it. [1]Anime News Network. www.animenewsnetwork.com
  5. Eh, been a while since I played .hack games, but I can remember this. IMOQ - Elk/Blackrose (Healer and damage, no real reason why I particularly picked them apart from the fact they're faves of mine.) G.U. - Atoli/Natsume (Healer and damage again. Used to be an Atoli fanboy, Natsume's awesome.) I never did pick team members based on actual performance. x:
  6. I probably don't like Gundam as much as you do, but I'm a fan. I say I don't like it as much, because the fact that I've never seen Z or ZZ makes me a disgrace. I've seen original MSG, 0081, 0083, 08th MS Team, G, Wing, Endless Waltz, SEED, SEED Destiny, SEED Stargazer, and I finished the first season of 00. (second season is due October)
  7. "Wave Symbols", is what they're usually referred as.
  8. I hated Legend of the Twilight. It was like anti-SIGN.
  9. Now, apparently, some people here can't take logical information without making insulting comments. Before I lock this topic however, I'd like to throw in a few words. First off, I apologize for any offense that our team has caused towards your game. However, we are entitled to our opinion, though some of the comments in this thread were quite immature. Secondly, I am disappointed at both members from this forum and CC's forum. I've witnessed more immaturity and flaming in this one thread against other communities that I never want to see in a forum that I am ever a part of. To CyberConnect, I would recommend that you at least retrieve some knowledge of our game before saying anything at all. You've come into this community to ignorantly speak about our game against yours, and your judgment of our team's personal lives has left me baffled as to what kind of people you could possibly stand for. To info_man, we are sorry that you have had to come to our forums to see such judgment and you, unlike CyberConnect, have come onto this thread with more knowledge and respect, and, as such, you deserve to be respected as well. I am not proud of the negative publicity that this thread has created. However, I do not appreciate your team members coming to our forums to make personal comments and to insult our games simply because he can't take criticism. Overall, I'm disappointed in how this thread ended up and I hope to never see anything like this again. If you want to talk more about CyberConnects' game, then make another topic, because I'm not leaving this topic to stay open so that the flaming and immaturity can persist. If you have any thoughts about this, both .hack//The World and CyberConnects staff alike, PM me and I will answer to you personally.
  10. ... Of course he is. Why would you doubt that?
  11. Hm, I am serious when I ask... What are you talking about? And who's a hypocrite? Yes, CyberConnect, that says a lot considering ours is run by no more than 5 inexperienced people and hasn't even been released yet. Yes, experience is an issue, but this is a learning process for us, even those who aren't doing any actual coding and spriting for the game. The thing is, we believe we don't need college degrees and experience and special permissions from CC2 to make a game work well. Who the hell says we don't have lives outside of this game? Who are you to say that? Also, we are NOT using RPGMaker for the last f*cking time. We're using GML for the game and C++ for the server. We're simply using RPGMaker tilesets for the background. You don't need permission from CC2 or Bandai Namco to make the game a success... you need it to make the game legal. As for the RPGMaker thing, I was corrected with that. The fact that you were using the tiles led me to assume that you were using the system (though just for the record, it is possible to make an online game with it, aka Naphe). As for the gameplay of R:1, oh yes, it was horrible (though not as bad as Fragment lol). That was what came with the MS system, and aside from a few changes (such as the power attacks and such) not much was ever changed. Actually, Fragment was quite successful simply because of the sheer number of .hack fans in Japan. It was also planned to shut down after a year, FYI, in order to keep up the hype for G.U. Though I suppose it's a matter of opinion when it comes to actually playing the game. What really set me off the most is the fact that you come to our forums to say that your game is better than ours. I apologize for some of the things said in this thread, most notably the blunt "they suck"s and a few other comments that were completely out of line, but for most of these posts, I will not. At least 80% of this thread has been criticism brought about by an actual, fair reason. Though I agree that we have no right to say that your game sucks, we do have the right to say that we didn't like it, and you do NOT have the right to tell us that our game will never be better than yours, especially on OUR forums. You could've defended your game and been a good little, loyal fanboy, but don't you dare come to say that the potential of our project can never live up to the potential of yours. You also have no right to judge our lifestyles. Saying that your game is better because you don't spend all of your time on the game tells us that we spend all of our time on this game, does it not? Don't make me laugh. Don't you dare judge us because you don't know us, and from what I've seen, you are quite ignorant of the project in general and its progress. You can criticize our game, but don't give it a maximum potential and don't criticize its members personal lives. It is simply immature and gives a bad name to your community, and, frankly, lowers all respect I had for CyberConnect's team considerably. If there is any more flaming or immature comments in this thread, I will not hesitate to lock it.
  12. Hm, I am serious when I ask... What are you talking about? And who's a hypocrite? Yes, CyberConnect, that says a lot considering ours is run by no more than 5 inexperienced people and hasn't even been released yet. Yes, experience is an issue, but this is a learning process for us, even those who aren't doing any actual coding and spriting for the game. The thing is, we believe we don't need college degrees and experience and special permissions from CC2 to make a game work well. Who the hell says we don't have lives outside of this game? Who are you to say that? Also, we are NOT using RPGMaker for the last f*cking time. We're using GML for the game and C++ for the server. We're simply using RPGMaker tilesets for the background.
  13. It's our opinion. Though I agree that certain people should keep it down a bit ~___~ We're simply criticizing our competitors and we aren't doing ANYTHING wrong by exercising our opinionated rights. Do you think none of us have played it? ALL OF US have played it and ALL OF US weren't satisfied and ALL OF US have our opinions. The most of us aren't just some immature bunch here to flame all of our competition, we're here to talk about our opinions on the matters and we're here to keep tabs on their progress. EDIT: Thought about it, pissy mood, didn't mean to come off as harsh. -edited-
  14. Ah, yes, I forgot that it's airing on TV, too. He'll probably end up skipping 3rd Form from 2nd into Xth. The movie shows him at Magni Fi with Atoli in his 2nd Form, and the next shot with him and Atoli, he's transformed into Xth Form.
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