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22:23:38    +gm112 | So I have a funny beer story to share with you

22:23:53  antidote | does it involve SQL?
22:23:55         * | antidote flees
22:23:56    +gm112 | nup
22:24:01    +gm112 | It involves my brother's friend's wedding
22:24:10    +gm112 | We were sitting actually, in front of the bride and groom
22:24:22    +gm112 | me and our mutual friend Joey was drinking seagrums w/ 7up
22:24:31    +gm112 | He got so wasted that he was sitting, staring down at his lap for a long time
22:24:43  antidote | o.0
22:24:46    +gm112 | then Brian's mom decided to do a prayer (everyone was doing their little speeches)
22:24:49    +gm112 | so it was quiet
22:24:56    +gm112 | out of nowhere, Joey looks straight up and shouts
22:24:58    +gm112 | "PRIME. RIB."
22:25:01    +gm112 | then looks back down
22:25:06    +gm112 | I started crying
22:25:12    +gm112 | from laughing so much
22:25:21    +gm112 | It took me a second to figure out what happened
22:25:23  antidote | XD
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<Walnut> Hey Vash

<Walnut> Have you done your March Madness brackets yet???
<-> You are now known as ShitfuckerJones
<Vash> I dont watch basketball.
<Saorel> (Memo 7865) Vash: <Walnut>
<Saorel> YouTube: 1 hour of Woody Woodpecker laughing
<ShitfuckerJones> Oh that's a shame
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17:53:13 antidote | Rafa: i blew up your profile
17:54:13    +Rafa | ?
17:55:30   +gm112 | RAFA
17:56:55    +Rafa | hi
17:57:06   +gm112 | Imagine a hoarde of dicks charging straight at you
17:57:40    +Rafa | Imagine me hiding behind a shield
17:57:51 antidote | xD
17:57:52   +gm112 | You die
18:03:35   +gm112 | Rafa I'm gonna pee all over your house
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-[18:09:07] <@gm112> FUCK
-[18:09:12] <@gm112> CARTOON NETWORK ON NETFLIX
-[18:09:13] <@gm112> CARTOON NETWORK ON NETFLIX
-[18:09:13] <@gm112> CARTOON NETWORK ON NETFLIX
-[18:09:13] <@gm112> CARTOON NETWORK ON NETFLIX
-[18:09:13] <@gm112> CARTOON NETWORK ON NETFLIX
-[18:09:14] <@gm112> CARTOON NETWORK ON NETFLIX
-[18:09:14] <@gm112> CARTOON NETWORK ON NETFLIX
-[18:09:14] <@gm112> CARTOON NETWORK ON NETFLIX
-[18:09:14] <@gm112> CARTOON NETWORK ON NETFLIX
-[18:09:15] <@gm112> CARTOON NETWORK ON NETFLIX
-[18:09:15] <@gm112> CARTOON NETWORK ON NETFLIX
-[18:09:15] <@gm112> CARTOON NETWORK ON NETFLIX
-[18:09:15] <@gm112> CARTOON NETWORK ON NETFLIX
-[18:09:21] <@gm112> WATCH ED EDD N EDDIE WITH ME WALNUT
-[18:09:21] <@gm112> PLZ
-[18:09:22] <@gm112> PLZ
-[18:09:24] <@gm112> PLZZZZZZZ
-[18:09:26] <@gm112> PLZZZ WALNUT
-[18:09:26] <@gm112> FUCK
-[18:09:28] <@gm112> WALNUT PLZ
-[18:09:32] <@gm112> PLZ WALNUT
-[18:11:02] <~Walnut> yes
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[08:16] * NagBot (NagBot@kbf-6051BEE1.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #gdu
[08:16] <+Antidote> #recent
[08:17] <NagBot> 09Antidote posted in 12ALTTP Hacking ? ALTTP Checksum Code: https://wiiking2.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=25&p=45#p45
[08:17] <NagBot> 09CrescentWrench posted in 12Zelda2 Hacking ? Zelda II Hex Values: https://wiiking2.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=30&p=55#p55
[08:17] <NagBot> 09Antidote posted in 12Zelda2 Hacking ? Re: Zelda II Hex Values: https://wiiking2.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=30&p=56#p56
[08:17] <NagBot> 09CrescentWrench posted in 12Off Topic ? The Ultimate Homemade Cheeseburger Mac: https://wiiking2.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=31&p=57#p57
[08:17] <NagBot> 09gm112 posted in 12Off Topic ? Re: The Ultimate Homemade Cheeseburger Mac: https://wiiking2.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=31&p=58#p58
[08:17] <NagBot> 09CrescentWrench posted in 12Zelda2 Hacking ? Zelda II WIP Tileset rip: https://wiiking2.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=32&p=59#p59
[08:17] <+Antidote> :D
[08:17] <+Antidote> #autorefresh 180
[08:17] <NagBot> I will automatically check for pending posts every 180 seconds.
[08:18] <+Antidote> do you guys like it?
[08:18] <NagBot> There are 040 new posts
[08:18] <+Antidote> xD
[08:18] <+Antidote> need to fix that
[08:18] <+gm112> That 0 looks evil as hell
[08:18] <+gm112> NagBot is pissed off
[08:18] <+Antidote> lol
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[08:52] <+Antidote> someone added mirby to the bots group
[08:52] <+Antidote> >.>
[08:52] <+gm112> XFD
[08:52] <Shane> rofl
[08:52] <+Myu> o.o
[08:54] <+Antidote> o.0
[08:54] <+Antidote> i can't find the log entry for it
[08:54] <+gm112> Who else is in bots?
[08:54] <&cpbot> Rafa.
[08:54] <+Antidote> nagbot
[08:54] <+gm112> LMFAO!!!
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[21:56] <+Kami> @memo rafa
[21:56] <Saorel> 01,00You00,04Tube: Bytes: "Sold Out"
[21:56] <Saorel> Created memo 8698. 
[21:56] <+Kami> who wants to send weird ass youtube videos to rafa?
[21:56] <~cpbot> NagBot.
[21:56] <+Kami> It's getting too smart
[21:57] <+metallica48423> >_>?
[21:58] <@Antidote> metallica48423: it's the new world order
[21:58] <+Kami> +say Metal Go Back to Your Porn Stache
[21:58] <~cpbot> Metal Go Back to Your Porn Stache
[21:58] <@Antidote> lawl Pornstache
[21:58] <+metallica48423> I am having no luck tonight
[21:58] <+metallica48423> I haven't seen a single rare item
[21:58] <@Antidote> gm112: metallu has a pornstache
[21:59] <@gm112> metallu is a porn star
[21:59] <+Kami> +say Metal Go Back to Your Porn Stache, All of the Videos Star Vash
[21:59] <~cpbot> Metal Go Back to Your Porn Stache, All of the Videos Star Vash
[21:59] <@Antidote> XD
[21:59] <@gm112> cpbot tell metallica48423 how his butthole is a portal to vash's butthole
[21:59] <~cpbot> I like butts!! Tell me more! I WANT TEH BUTTS!!
[22:00] <@Antidote> gm112: between caboose, sarge, and donut whose who?
[22:00] <~cpbot> cpbot.
[22:00] <@Antidote> XD
[22:00] <+Kami> cpbot the virus overlord
[22:00] <~cpbot> I just happen to have elephantile disphoria so shut up about me already!
[22:00] <@gm112> you'd be caboose
[22:00] <@gm112> rafa would be sarge
[22:00] <@Antidote> lolol
[22:00] <@gm112> idk who would be donut
[22:00] <~cpbot> Vash.
[22:00] <@Antidote>  XFD
[22:00] <@gm112> THAT WORKS
[22:01] <+Kami> LMAO


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