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Why not after this 2d THE WORLD a 3D THE WORLD?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I personally prefer 2d. if it was good enough for me when I was 3 it's good enough for me 15 years later.

I do tend to like 8-bit 3d though. it's quite interesting. looking through a characters eyes and seeing an 8-bit 3d world is cool. I forget which game it is that does that though.

Sonic 3 i think made it so if you got he hidden giant ring or maybe it was an emerald or something you'd go into a 3d room filled with coins

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  • 3 weeks later...

A 3d ver. would be nice, but they may not have the appropriate talents to carry this out. See, some teams have a heavier bend towards 2D art than 3D and some teams are more 3D talented (I mean unless more are recruited), plus the programming would have to change drastically to fit 3D. So yes, it would be nice, but perhaps we should wait until the 2d version is actually up and going strong before we think about doing this.

And of course the other guys use lots of defaults in their 3d version, and its tons better to use custom creations, dontcha think? =)

~ Cubia

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Yeah, the biggest two things would be the graphics made for 2D and the models and textures made for 3D. Two completely different things. Also the programming of course, but a lot of that would remain the same independent of if its 2D or 3D though (As making an mmo is far from just making a player run around in either 2D or 3D space :[).

And, holy shit, it's Cubia :[

It's been a while :[

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It depends...you coded your own graphicks engine right? So it may go either way with some tweaks, but with some already existing engines, it weighs with code more towards 2d or 3D (that's why we had difficulty finding one that is so versatile it could combine both into 2.5D)...some engines don't handle one or the other so great without some work. I'm not sure how this game was created and all.

And yeah, someone resent me the link back to this place. So here I am! Seraph beat me here though. :[

~ Cubia

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  • 1 month later...

actually if everyone wants THE WORLD then it should be 3d with head set and soft wares and stuff people of bandai are making such thing there was a person who got brain damaged and died testing the headset also 2d wouldnt be called the world 3d is more virtual it just doesnt match to kill time i play this game

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actually if everyone wants THE WORLD then it should be 3d with head set and soft wares and stuff people of bandai are making such thing there was a person who got brain damaged and died testing the headset also 2d wouldnt be called the world 3d is more virtual it just doesnt match to kill time i play this game

first off, you need commas and periods in there... it just doesn't make sense.

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actually if everyone wants THE WORLD then it should be 3d with head set and soft wares and stuff people of bandai are making such thing there was a person who got brain damaged and died testing the headset also 2d wouldnt be called the world 3d is more virtual it just doesnt match to kill time i play this game

To Sum it all up..:

Its called Virtual Reality. Please come back in a few hundred years and if were lucky, maybe in 30-40 years.


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...My opinion of this in GENERAL:  "Horrible, horrid, completely moronic idea".  For several reasons, of course...  Theres the fact that almost NOBODY has made a The World 3D game that didn't fail HORRENDOUSLY! The rest is untranslatable.  I can't even figure out HOW to say it, other than... "THE IDEA IS CURSED!"  And if I'm talking in explicit caps frequently, when I normally don't, it means that I'm like, DEAD SERIOUS.

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  • 3 months later...

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