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Why not after this 2d THE WORLD a 3D THE WORLD?

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Hey i had an idea why not after this Project we all could work together making a 3D THE WORLD online with uniqe dungeons weapons and alot of stuff I know a perfect thing for it to if Luke created THE WORLD we could all use Realmcrafter map out areas of the game just like this one but like Crim said it would take longer so after this THE WORLD we could wait for a 3D THE WORLD know what im sayin? As in after this project work on a 3D project for the game but better than CC Corps.

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Yeah, seriously. There's nothing at all wrong with things being 2-D. In fact, when it comes down to the battle system, nice, crisp sprites just tickle my fancy.

...Good god, I'm old-fashioned.

lol there is nothing wrong with being old fashioned  (: at least not with RPGs XP

I agree with you 100% ^^

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Just one question... Why bother? I mean do you know how much more coding it would take and Luke would pretty much have to scrap all the battle code from this game...  Not to mention the movement.... ( the rest of this message been omited)

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I like the 2d version I really don't feel like playing a 3d version of //THE WORLD im more of a 2d person that's why i play a lot of Chibi MMOPRG'S like Trickster.

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Unique dungeons, weapons and a lot of stuff? Check.

Taking longer than this, using Realmcrafter? Whut.

I'm having to create this game from scratch, programming the lot. Realmcrafter is that "lot" already done, making things a LOT less unique/perfect for THIS game.

What would take a hell of a lot more time, as with any 3D game (In this projects case) is creating the 3D Models.

Who's going to make aaaall of those? (And not disappear soon after saying they will >_>). Making unique maps will also be a lot harder too I guess (As it's not placing tiles, it's again making all the 3D models. Guess if we have the amount of 3D objects as we do tiles currently, then there's not so much a problem though lol. But we don't >_<)

No idea how "CC Corps" relates to anything though? :D

Also yeah, the battle system. Like the latest Tales of ~ games, it could be 3D, but the bases for them are completely 2D and are so much better and more fun than any old generic "click, wait, click, wait, click wait" MMO battle system, 2D or 3D >_<

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I love the 2D version!

It's so much fun.

Though, have you guys tried Gaia's MMO zOmg? I love how it's like... 2D yet 3D background.

I would be satisfied with 3D background with 2D sprites, but I love 2D all the same.

I love Mame32k... I grew up with 2D. It's different than 3D in the sense that a good 2D game does not mean that it would have been half as good as 3D, and vice versa. Streetfighter is one of my favourites, as well as basically any neo geo. I also still play my SNES. I was playing Donkey Kong earlier today and I was just wondering how crappy it would have been if it was 3D. I love my 2D! .Hack as 2D is very interesting, but I love the feel of it.

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That's just that the view is isometric. It's taken from the top, right so you can see the top, right side and front sides, not just the top and front sides (Like this game, and many others.)

It would be very nice to have many talented people making such graphics though :P

With EVERY pixel being placed with a meaning, they can look extremely beautiful :D I love that look FAR more than the normal 3D look lol

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3D lol.

no lol.

Btw, 2D graphics isn't "old fashioned". They're two different types of graphics. 3D is not by default more modern than 2D.

Odin Sphere would be an example of newer 2D graphics. Compare that to the graphics in a SNES-era game and you can start talking about new and old.

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When I said I'm 'old fashioned', I was referring to my manner of speech. I hardly ever hear anyone, especially in my age group, say that something 'tickles their fancy.'

And I know of several modern 2D games, one being Disgaea, which is amazing.

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Actually professional game developers always seem to get asked which is harder (2D or 3D) and they never seem to say one is harder than the other really lol

Well technically they are both just as difficult to make from scratch. 3D just takes longer and needs to have every single texture done which is about 4x the work of a 2D game. But programming-wise they are both equally difficult, 3D only has an extra axis than 2D.

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I find programming easier than both ^^;

Down to experience and interest I guess :D

I hate programming I can never get the game to execute right especially with alarms... *sigh* but ya gotta do what ya gotta do I suppose...

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