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Checking in


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Yeah sorry I was having trouble with the old host for the site... I couldn't post things or rather it took like half an hour to post something but I'm still here. A bit surprised at the rate everything is moving along... very nice indeed. I wish I could say the same for my game... I'm Lazy what can I say... anyway just checking to let anybody who cares(which is nobody) the I like didn't fall of a cliff in a horrible motor vehicle accident and/or  have me and my spleen burst into flames... kudos on the new sprite team... a bit sad my stuff got thrown away but what could ya guys do... hopefully this new team won't be like the others eh Luke... ;D anyway Good Luck and keep it up... you have a lot of Nerds depending on this game xD

EDIT: lol oh yeah I almost forgot... If you guys need any help, just ask... I can try some BG music and maybe some sound effects... seems I have some stuff to record with... no promise on how those SFX work out tho... seems the mic isn't top notch...

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Yeah sorry I was having trouble with the old host for the site... I couldn't post things or rather it took like half an hour to post something but I'm still here. A bit surprised at the rate everything is moving along... very nice indeed. I wish I could say the same for my game... I'm Lazy what can I say... anyway just checking to let anybody who cares(which is nobody) the I like didn't fall of a cliff in a horrible motor vehicle accident and/or  have me and my spleen burst into flames... kudos on the new sprite team... a bit sad my stuff got thrown away but what could ya guys do... hopefully this new team won't be like the others eh Luke... ;D anyway Good Luck and keep it up... you have a lot of Nerds depending on this game xD

EDIT: lol oh yeah I almost forgot... If you guys need any help, just ask... I can try some BG music and maybe some sound effects... seems I have some stuff to record with... no promise on how those SFX work out tho... seems the mic isn't top notch...

Yeah, I remember you. I've been hanging around this place for awhile, hahaha. My old username was Light or Jushiro Ukitake if I remember correctly >_<. I moved the forums over to GDU because it needed to be done so, yeah. Welcome back tongue.png

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Willace, I was in the same predicament as yourself. On the old site, I couldn't even post or it took REALLY long to post. I like this forum much better, I can post much easier. Anywho, welcome back to the forums! :3

I remember you from a while ago if that makes any sense. I would lurk a lot.

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