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I got banned :(


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Heh good luck with getting back in :P -smiles-

Well, it was really just a test.

Pretty much, if you flood the server(spam messages), the server sends you a PM warning you to stop spamming. If you spam some more, you get automatically banned. That's all what the screenshots are demonstrating. It's my way of warning everyone to not do it :P.

[me=gm112]has a feeling that he won't be taken seriously even though I am being serious. (Why so serious?)[/me]

Anji Roru Aurarios:D/b] "I am so surprised to see that..."

*Anji giggles over it.*

Everyone who has seen that post so far has laughed, haha.

And stay out! :P


Crryyiinnngg face.

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