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-sigh- another way society puts me down. Fine I'll write something else later.

*snerk* Pft. PFFFFFT. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHAHA. We say we don't like your character, and even ofter critique so you can improve, and you say we're society putting you down?

Since when was the internet society?

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Everything is society. Society is your peers, the news, the world. I was joking about that anyway lol.

Time to speak English English:

Nigel:I could've had it away with this cracking Julie, my old China.

Austin:Are you telling a bunch pork-pies and a bag of trout? Because if you are feeling quigly, why not just have a J. Arthur?

N:What, billy no mates?

A:Too right, youth.

N:Don't you remember the crimbo din-din we had with the grotty Scots bint?

A:Oh, the one that was all sixes and sevens!

N:Yeah, yeah, she was the trouble and strife of the Morris dancer what lived up the apples and pears!

A:She was the barrister what become a bobby in a lorry and...[Gibberish]

N&A:--tea kettle!

N:And then, and then--

N&A:She shat on a turtle!

Guess what is being said in the whole conversation without watching the movie or looking it up and I will give you a cookie.

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Everything is society. Society is your peers, the news, the world. I was joking about that anyway lol.

Time to speak English English:

Nigel:I could've had it away with this cracking Julie, my old China.

Austin:Are you telling a bunch pork-pies and a bag of trout? Because if you are feeling quigly, why not just have a J. Arthur?

N:What, billy no mates?

A:Too right, youth.

N:Don't you remember the crimbo din-din we had with the grotty Scots bint?

A:Oh, the one that was all sixes and sevens!

N:Yeah, yeah, she was the trouble and strife of the Morris dancer what lived up the apples and pears!

A:She was the barrister what become a bobby in a lorry and...[Gibberish]

N&A:--tea kettle!

N:And then, and then--

N&A:She shat on a turtle!

Guess what is being said in the whole conversation without watching the movie or looking it up and I will give you a cookie.

Already seen the movie. Multiple times. : |

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Everything is society. Society is your peers, the news, the world. I was joking about that anyway lol.

Time to speak English English:

Nigel:I could've had it away with this cracking Julie, my old China.

Austin:Are you telling a bunch pork-pies and a bag of trout? Because if you are feeling quigly, why not just have a J. Arthur?

N:What, billy no mates?

A:Too right, youth.

N:Don't you remember the crimbo din-din we had with the grotty Scots bint?

A:Oh, the one that was all sixes and sevens!

N:Yeah, yeah, she was the trouble and strife of the Morris dancer what lived up the apples and pears!

A:She was the barrister what become a bobby in a lorry and...[Gibberish]

N&A:--tea kettle!

N:And then, and then--

N&A:She shat on a turtle!

Guess what is being said in the whole conversation without watching the movie or looking it up and I will give you a cookie.

wow that's sad I can understand what they're saying

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Oh, I thought we were supposed to PM you our profiles and then wait for a msg saying we were allowed to post it in the thread?

Should I just post mine?

Have at it. If anything, an actual sign-up would be appreciated in this thread. XD

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I'm afraid all multi-weapon positions are taken. You'll have to settle on one and be content with being overall better :D

Anji Roru Aurarios:D/b] "Oh ok. Sorry about that...I sort of told my sister to change the class. Anything else to be corrected. I am rechecking our RP character once more just to make sure."

Oh, I thought we were supposed to PM you our profiles and then wait for a msg saying we were allowed to post it in the thread?

Should I just post mine?

Have at it. If anything, an actual sign-up would be appreciated in this thread. XD

Anji Roru Aurarios:D/b] "Really? Guess I misread something there since I keep reading the information over and over again just to make sure our RP character is following the rules provided."

We need grunties!

Anji Roru Aurarios: "I love grunties." <3

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lol. Funny you should say that Apeiron, since I haven't even spent any time thinking about the character today.

*is scouring his memory and the nets to find a philosophy to have another RP character embody* <.<;

Butbut, almost done with this one. lol.

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