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.hack//Frequency Signup and Information thread


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by disappears I mean he can hide from who ever he needs too, not saying that he's always hidden I'm not that... I just need him to keep a mysteriousness... Obviously he is choosing to talk to the characters in the RP... and I told you I know little of dotHack ;D gotta get my PS2 back and GU...

And that's what I'm saying isn't very good xP

Apeiron, looks good.

Rei, looks fine, though I would have preferred some more stuff in the in-game personality section <.<;

Edit: Oh right. MY character. *goes to finish*


And I assume that since I didn't get a comment, my profile's fine?

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rutao, your RP sounded like you based it off your real life person, i may be wrong though

Nopenope. It wouldn't matter what I made my character like, though. I have borderline multiple-personality disorder. So I essentially can relate to any character. Ever. Like a lot of the ones in here.

In any case, she's not a self-insert. Those are huge no-noes in writing.

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it seems fine, better then mine in my view, but my view doesnt count for much.

That's because you fail. :D<

I jest. Anyways, I like how Aku's character sheet has been 'Coming tomorrow' for a week+ now. I didn't know tomorrow took so long to get here. XD

Edit: *checked original post date* [billymays]TWO WEEKS, AKU. TWO WEEKS.[/billymays]

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This thread has fallen in disrepair.


This thread is now reverting to the topic of nothing.

Pool's still closed.

lol I remember we had this problem on an RP forum for nonRP topics... and some RP topics... I'd blame me...

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We have commandeered this thread in which the creator has vanished in the name of discussion of the 'weeaboo' species. I would like to point out that while I may attend anime conventions and insist on watching subs over dubs (if it's in a foreign language, it's harder to recognize god-awful voice-acting. That's my excuse, anyways), I am not a weeaboo, as I find certain stories from Japan disturbing (therefore not making it 'BEST COUNTRY IN ZA WARUDO LOLOLOL). Such as

public train groping and 'used pantsu' vending machines. Also the #1 most perverted country in the world. How it beat out the USA I will never kn- oh wait. H-games. Nevermind.

Also, need I remind everyone the term 'weeaboo' was coined on 4chan? On that note,

There are also people in Japan that think every American owns a gun lol

Just like how you may think groping on trains is a national sport and ever other vending machine sells underwear lol

rutao, have you gone insane? tongue.png

Actually, what most people consider "sane" is a fairly irrational state of mind. Many "insane" people possess uncharacteristically rational personalities, and are capable of carrying on trains of thought that are so far beyond what most people would conceive that it could be considered madness, blasphemy, and/or Sparta.

TL;DR: I have pseudo-logic from Skull Beetle in my sig. What do you think, eh?

I agree ^^

Shiit, in the time it took me to reply to those other posts and this one all of this extra conversation happened? :P

Oh no, maybe I was just stuck on page 1 and didn't notice these other two :D

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@hawthorneluke: I don't think it's a public sport or funky vending machines are common. It's just that the fact that they exist and are prominent enough for me to hear about it is what's weird.

...I'm not sure if train groping or dwarf tossing wins in 'most effed up sport native to a particular region.'

@Willace: LOLOLOL It's just the signup thread. Which is likely to become obsolete when/if this gets started. Of course, we could still use it as off-topic banter and ramblings.

@Kaito: You're probably thinking 'Oh shit, I have to RP with a bunch of retards' about now, eh? XD

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@hawthorneluke: I don't think it's a public sport or funky vending machines are common. It's just that the fact that they exist and are prominent enough for me to hear about it is what's weird.

...I'm not sure if train groping or dwarf tossing wins in 'most effed up sport native to a particular region.'

@Willace: LOLOLOL It's just the signup thread. Which is likely to become obsolete when/if this gets started. Of course, we could still use it as off-topic banter and ramblings.

@Kaito: You're probably thinking 'Oh shit, I have to RP with a bunch of retards' about now, eh? XD

your canadian too there eh? How aboot day der donchaknow ;D

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