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.hack//Frequency Signup and Information thread


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The basic story and this informational post for this RP was originally created some 2 years ago as a collab between me and Kite_2000 over at dothackers.net

There is a well defined background plot and it will be split up in multiple chapters, the names and topics for which I will create myself.

This is to keep things relatively segmented and set relatively clear confines for you all to roleplay in. There is a story to follow after all ^^

I've only rewritten our original post, most of which was written back in days when we clearly sucked worse at writing than we do now. Please excuse any grammatical errors I've missed xD


The rules exist to be followed. I wouldn't want to kick anyone out of the roleplay, so make sure you follow them, eh ^^?


1. I expect quality and quantity. There is no lower limit for amount of lines, but I want you to aim for at least six lines per post, preferably much, much more.

Short posts of low quality are not appreciated in the least :P

If you find it hard to make your post longer and better, contact me and I can give you helpful advice. I'm not against helping people get better ^^

(Expect unmoderated critique though ;P Don't come asking me for advice if you aren't ready to have someone crush your view on your writing skills. I probably won't, but it helps to expect the worst :D)

2. Respect other role players and also use polite and proper language. Misuse of words and constant, uncensored swearing will not be tolerated. Having a proper amount of literal skills is also necessary, as I'm sure that everyone is capable of spelling, reading and creative writing using proper sentence structure, paragraphing and grammar.

Do note that swearing is allowed...Just don't go overboard with it.

3. PLEASE DO NOT branch off into your own worlds during the role play by trying to do something else. Players within this story will be able to make their own choices, however, there is always a limit on what you can do. If you intend to merge your own idea(s) for character development or background plot into the story, please PM me and we will discuss it. There is a story for us ALL to follow, and that means keeping us all relatively on track :P

4. If you have any questions regarding the storyline, then please PM me and do not post it in this topic or in the roleplaying topics. This is to avoid any non-roleplaying posts in the topics.



The plot involves some individuals being marked and infected by AIDA. This is nothing like the AIDA infections in GU itself. You will be given an idea of how the infection is before anyone gets infected and it is best you ask me if you aren't entirely certain.

Do NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, suddenly decide that you've been marked by AIDA. I will PM you if you are to be marked, and I will tell you WHEN to show the signs of being marked. GOING AHEAD WITHOUT APPROVAL WILL RESULT IN XXXXXXXTREME DIVINE PUNISHMENT FROM THE ALMIGHTY PALM TREE (and friends!)

These 'markings' and 'infections' are there to make players who aren't epitaph users as important as the epitaph users themselves.

Don't feel obliged to go for an Avatar. I wouldn't mind some phases being left untaken and you will probably have an even more interesting experience if you are infected instead of an epitaph user.


Please don't complain about the reserved phases :'D

The Rebirth is reserved for one of those who start out without a Phase and instead end up being infected.

Avatar users can't be infected for obvious reasons...But odd exceptions can happen.

I will tell you when you are free to awaken your avatar. Don't worry, I intend this to be a campaign of sorts, so there will be plenty of time for everyone to awaken one by one :)



The Terror of Death, Skeith: Aku

The Mirage of Deceit, Innis: Possibly reserved for Innisu

The Propagation, Magus: Phoenix

The Machinator, Gorre: Kite_2000

The Prophet, Fidchell:

The Temptress, Macha: Tsukasa

The Avenger, Tarvos: Rutao

The Rebirth, Corbenic:

Real World Segments

Yeah, there will be segments like these. Basically, some of the players will be running around doing stuff outside the game too at some points in time. You'll know when it happens and it will most likely be set in a new thread of its own (in fact, an entire chapter may be devoted to it. We'll see about that.)

And yeah, I'll make sure to point you in the right direction here too.



Your characters will have NO connections WHATSOEVER to ANY original characters of the .hack series. You will not CONTROL one of the original .hack characters, you will not be FRIENDS or HAVE FRIENDS that are friends of the original .hack characters, and you will DEFINITELY not be involved with them in ANY WAY.

The only connections to them will be the rumors of the dothackers in R:1.

2. No, your character will NOT be a hacker. End of story.

Same goes for being an AIDA, Administrator and whatever else.

3. No, you will NOT have a maxed out and capped level unless there is a good reason and a fair amount of history to back it up. If you want to go beyond the level cap I set, feel free to write an AWESOME character profile. Then I'll let it slide :)

Levels are meant to be fuzzy, btw. It's mostly to show a comparison of power between us all.

4. Don't go cathedralling and waterfalling like it's a casual day-to-day ritual. Lost Grounds are areas that are rarely found, so please don't mention them without a VERY good reason for your character to know about them (I've seen too many people in .hack RPs go to Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground and go: "lol, I know this place because I'm cooool")

I imagine this rule won't be very necessary though, since I'm hopefully going to do a decent job of guiding us all around :P

5. And, please...I don't want every single person in this topic to be a PKK, or have their online girl/boyfriend gone into a coma. =_=

These things don't happen regularly. All of the participants in this RP will start out as perfectly normal players who don't even SUSPECT that there is something in this game that is beyond just a normal game.

They are unaware of ANY supernatural phenomena aside from the rumors on the boards that none of us has any kind of proof or experience of. You may have heard of it if you wish, but nothing more.

6. Only make 1 character. I don't want this to get too messy.

7. There will, under no circumstances, be 9198264337469348624 Multi Weapons in this story. The maximum number of Multi Weapons are 3, and further entries will not be accepted. Like The Avatars, Multi Weapon slots are first come, first serve.

PLEASE make sure that you follow the Point System of the Multi Weapon class, failure to do so means I will relieve you of your Multi Weapon position :>

1. Aku

2. Rutao

3. Kao

8. Don't keep anything about your characters secret from me. If you want anything, ANYTHING to not be revealed on your public profile (ehm, I'd suggest you avoid things like this really), then you have to PM me and have that approved first.

Things like these may risk not meshing very well with the story.


This is the template. Follow it.

The World Character Profile

Name: Self-explanatory

Age: Please, nothing stupid like 5 or 100

Gender: Male or Female

Race: Whichever GU R:2 Race you want.

Level: Pick a decent one between 5 and 50. You may randomly be given levelups now and then, but this isn't entirely related to amount of monsters killed or anything like that. I'll toss out levelups when I see fit. Minimum 5 means that, yes, no players that are COMPLETELY new to the game. They will at least have to had played it enough to learn the basics.

Class: (Multi weapons are to include which classes they have unlocked and which classes they haven't in a "1st Class: classname - 2nd Class: classname - 3rd Class: classname" format with a note on which classes aren't unlocked yet. First class is what you start with, second class is unlocked at 25, third class is unlocked at 75. Multi weapons are inferior in raw power to someone of the same level but only one regular class. Their diversity may make up for it, 'course.)

Guild: (If Applicable)

History: This is IN-GAME history. Nothing real-life yet! BE DESCRIPTIVE

Personality: Same applies to this

Appearance: you will NOT post a picture of a character from some game or anime, nor will you post a fanart picture by someone, UNLESS it's a picture that YOU have drawn for this purpose. Alright? If you don't have the skills to draw a good picture, then explain it IN WORDS. Only lazy people post some random fanart pic. Laziness and quality-roleplaying does NOT work hand-in-hand :3

You will have to be quite descriptive too. No "Unknown" or "classified" or stuff like that and nothing short. If you go with words only explanation, I expect to be able to envision the character clearly from reading the text :P

Describe clothing, hairstyle and all that and it shouldn't be all too hard.

[b]The World Character Profile[/b]


Real World Character Profile




Location: A.k.a. Where they live. Has to be somewhere in central Japan. Look up a map, or take the easy-mode option that is Tokyo :P



Appearance: (you will NOT post a picture of a character from some game or anime, nor will you post a fanart picture by someone, UNLESS it's a picture that YOU have drawn for this purpose. Alright? If you don't have the skills to draw a good picture, then explain it IN WORDS. Only lazy people post some random fanart pic. Laziness and quality-roleplaying does NOT work hand-in-hand :3

Family members and their occupations: What it says. This can indeed be relevant to the RP, so say what job they have. Feel free to go for any job or place, except anywhere within CyberConnect or govermental agencies.

[b]Real World Character Profile[/b]
[b]Family members and their occupations:[/b]


Phase: The Happy One, Joyful Person

Name: Happy

etc. etc.

Multi weapon class list:

You are given up to 5 points to use and may only have up to three classes.

The points for the classes are as follows:

1 point: Twin Sword, Blade (Blade Brandier), Brandish (Edge Punisher)

2 points: Steam Gunner, Grappler (Tribal Grappler), Dance Macabre (Macabre Dancer)

3 points: Harvest (Harves Cleric), Warlock (Shadow Warlock), Flicker (Flick Reaper)

Important regarding classes

I have used the original names for classes. The localized versions are in the parantheses.

Please use the original names in the RP instead, because the localization is crappy :/

That's also why I've used Multi Weapon everywhere instead of Adeptcrap.


My character:

~Coming Tomorrow~


The RP will commence after I believe we have enough members. A post starting the story will be made by me in a new topic, so wait for it please :3

Also, I'm going to be strict in this rp. You are to aim for quantitative and qualitative posts. No all too short and simple posts. This is going to be as high-quality as we can possibly make it :D

(and yes, we have a story that you WILL follow. Remember to read the rules as they're not quite similar to most other RP rules... and have let's have loads of fun together :D)

You may have noticed that this is sounding a lot like I'll be having you all on a leash.

That I will indeed :P

I will, however, make sure you still have a fair bit of freedom. I'd appreciate it if you don't stray too far off the obvious path though.

(There will be some 'mysteries' for you to figure out too, 'course.)

I'll be separating my posts as my characters from posts that inform you of the situation or other similar stuff. You'll know which is which :)

Posting my character tomorrow. Have to sleep.

If you want to see an example of how much I want you to go into detail about your characters in the profiles, wait and use mine as an example xP

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Here is mine  :D

Not much of an RPer, more of a writer, but I like this story.

The World Character Profile

Name: Kao

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Level: 28

Class: Multi Weapon:

                First Class: Dance Macabre(Unlocked)

                Second Class: Flicker(Unlocked)

Guild: None

History: Kao has always lived by his own code since a few weeks after he began playing The World. He saw as many players did nothing more then PK, while others just used the other members to get rare items. Kao said he would never do such things, and lived by that as he played. As he played the World, he helped other players to get rare items, or to defeat a boss they have had trouble with. Kao developed the task of walking around Mac Anu, to see its sights. He feels they are never dull. He also does this to over hear any conversations he may find interesting.

Personality: Calm and always tries to think things through. He keeps up his own code of honor, and dares not to break it unless necessary. During fighting he can vicious, and his calm look can change.

Appearance: Kao's appearance has the feel of an assassin, who has seen many battles. He is an average build, standing at 6 foot 2 inches. His brown hair is pulled back behind his head and reaches his shoulders, and curls up at the ends. He has a beard composed of stubbles, going from one ear, circling the mouth, and going to the other ear. His brow eyes are stern, with bushy eyebrows hovering over them.

His clothing is primarily black. He wears black sandal like shoes, which go up to his knees(made of a cloth), showing black tabi covering his feet. The pants are slightly baggy and the bottoms are covered by the knee high sandals. At his waist he has a cloth, hanging down his legs, secured by a gold rope. He wears a black sleeveless shirt that goes up to under his chin, and a cloth jacket over it, parted in the middle and tucked into the cloth at his waist. The jackets right sleeve has been torn off at the shoulder, and the other sleeve hangs down to just above the elbow. He wears black gloves, that reach his elbow, and go to just before his fingers start(fingerless in other words).

Real World Character Profile

Name: Zack Corand

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Location: Taito, Japan

History: Zack was born as an only child. His father was an Archeologist, who would travel around the world, leaving Zack at home with his Mother. But his father always brought back wondrous things, and Zack always loved them. Zack would examine them in his free time, trying to see what story they told. When Zack went to collage he went to study Archeology, to do as his Father did, but when he got out he merely enjoyed reading about cultures. One of Zack's friends, whom he had know since he was a child, told him about the Epitaph of Twilight, thinking he may take in interest in it. Zack did, trying to find the pieces of it, wanting to go through it all. It was through this that Zack found out about The World, hoping it could help him uncover more about the Epitaph.

Personality: Disciplined, Calm, and works had at anything he does.

Appearance: Zack's real life appearance is that of any one his age. He has short brown hair, and stands around 6 feet. He usually forgets to shave and will have a stubble like beard. Her normally wears black shirts, with a black jacket over. He wears blue jeans, going down to his black shoes.

Family members and their occupations: Mother: Doctor

                                                                  Father: Archeologist

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(Time to take a bit of a break from playing a psycho.)

The World Character Profile

Phase: The Avenger, Tarvos

Name: Alcyone (Another mythological name. I apologize. I believe it's pronounced 'Alk-ee-on' or similar.)

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Level: 22

Class: Multi-Weapon

1st Class: Steam Gunner

2nd Class: Grappler [locked]

Guild: N/A

History: Starting The World as a way to blow off some steam and kill time, Alc's obsessive personallity started to kick in almost immediately. She's a frequent, if unknown, patron of The World, despite her somewhat low level. She strives to get the very best of the best, looking up and seeking out as many rare items as she can, especially if they'd be of use to her or a companion. Alc can often be seen haggling with guild shop keepers and other players for useful items.

Personality: Outwardly calm and collected, a mix of violent emotions brews beneath the surface. This violence, expressed in a cold, silent, fury, spills over from within Alc were she to exposed to any sort of extreme injustice.

However, Alc tends to come off as the 'bookworm' type of person, impulsively reading anything and everything around her. Her memory of acute detail is astounding, but she forgets simple things, like eating lunch. She also has a habit of running ideas and strategies through her head at an alarming pace, allowing for quick thinking, but making her oblivious to her surroundings. Said strategies tend to err on the side of caution.

Appearance: (If this isn't good enough quality, I can of course write a description. I just like drawing, if that wasn't apparent, even if anatomy and I don't get along.Link.) And a bit of information not expressed in the drawing, Alc is somewhat short, being a rough 5' 5".

Real World Character Profile

Name: Tanaka Naori (in keeping with the surname first bit.)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Location: Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan

History: Growing up, Nao lead a pretty uninteresting life. Her parents aren't divorced, she has a 12 year old sister, and living in Shibuya is a bit too busy for her. She has a bad habit of forcefully proving a point when logic fails, causing her parents to be more than a bit disappointed with her actions.

Personality: Anti-social, irritable, and cynical, Nao would rather sit down and read than have a conversation with another person. Like Alc, she can't stand anything she sees as injustice, especially in the real world, where there's little she can do about it. This is what lead to her playing The World, where she can do (almost) whatever she pleases.

Appearance: Standing at 5'3", Nao has a stocky, condensed build. Her bone structure is wide, causing her to appear heavier than she really is. Her unkempt black hair, in contrast to her pale skin, falls down between her shoulder blades when not tied back in a messy tail. Her eyes are a piercing, cloudy green, often expressing her apparent perpetual boredom. Nao's manner of dress includes baggy pull-overs and jackets, and a-few-sizes-too-big jeans and sweatpants. Most of her clothing consists of cool colors, such as purples, blue, blacks, and grays. Also, she has a collection of awesome hats.

Family members and their occupations: Tanaka Takeru (father): Freelance photographer/Newspaper contributor

Tanaka Sonora (mother): Librarian (much to Nao's glee.)

Tanaka Aiora (little sister): N/A

...Now excuse me while I rest my hand. AAAAAaaaaaaaugh.

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The World Character Profile

Name: Apeiron

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Level: 42

Class: Flicker

Guild: none

History: Apeiron seems to be very quiet, he shows up at noon and leaves at midnight, as a result, he has gained an amazingly high level, he almost never speaks unless spoken too, and even then he speaks very vaguely, often quoting the games history in his speech.

Personality: Very silent, his one goal is to become the best, he himself doesn't know what he means by 'best'.

Appearance: wears very heavyweight full-clad golden armor that shines in the sunlight. he wears a golden helmet that blacks out his face completely, with golden horns that curve backwards. over the armor he wears a midnight black cloak that goes down to his feet, the cloak almost completely obscures his armor. his eyes glow a crimson red, making his character look sinister.

Real World Character Profile

Name:Akio Nara [{thank you google}]



Location: Tokyo

History: Akio lives a boring and slow life, his mother living away from him , and his dad on business trips to america for long periods of time. Akio finds himself playing the online  game [The World] as a pastime so he doesn't have to listen to his babysitters ramblings. so the only time he isn't on [The World] is when hes sleeping or eating.

Personality: Akio, from playing the computer all day, is very shy and often doesn't talk unless spoken to, as a result Akio has very little friends, allowing him to spend more time on [The World].

Appearance: Akio has very long brown hair, and very brown eyes, he's very tall for his age. often having people mistake him for an older age. he usually wears baggy pants and wears no shirt or shoes, for he spends most of his time indoors, he is very pale. when he does leave the house he often wears shabby clothes and doesn't really bother to dress well.

Family members and their occupations: Father: Electrical Engineer

                                                    Mother: Unemployed

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  • 2 weeks later...

EDIT: Sorry for the late post, Aku. Thanks for keeping the position for me, though. XDD

The World Character Profile

Phase: The Machinator,  Gorre

Name: Cassiel

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Level: 34

Class: Flicker

Guild: N/A


A Player unrecognised by The World and its Players. Just another person in the background who doesn't do anything to stick out as strange. Strangely enough, this skill of being able to go unnoticed by people, even in an open field, is probably an achievement. Cassiel, being an oddity in himself, is sometimes known by people for being unknown. Has a strange ability of concealing himself, just by doing what he normally does.


Cassiel is a shy, quiet individual who can be seen as over-cautious and tentative. He's very passive, and will not fight against another Player without good reason. Though he is not anti-social, his strange personality seems to make it difficult for for people to be around him unless they can put up with a damper such as he.



Cassiel wears a rather skimpy outfit consisting of a short-cut hooded vest, under which he wears what  seems like a very strangely-cut singlet. Tied to his upper-arm with a white ribbon is a small silver bell, and on his right arm in the very same place is what looks to be a black sweatband. His forearms are covered by a pair of white metal guards, under which he wears black gloves. Around his hips is a thick black leather belt, and his lower body is covered by a pair of white shorts. He wears a pair of white and blue platform boots with uncovered metal caps.

Around his throat, Cassiel wears a black choker from which hangs a similarly coloured crucifix. His hair is platinum blonde, practically silver, and his eyes are a mismatched azure and amber. On his face is a pair of crossing scars over his eyes, and another in the centre of his chest.

Real World Character Profile

Name: Tsukuyomi Akira

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Location: Tokyo, Japan


Akira has a history of illness, and can be found more frequently in a hospital than at home. Nowadays, however, he is living in a particular institute of sorts, where he is constantly monitored after an accident he had found himself in a year ago, not long after he lost his eyesight to causes before that. It left him in a coma for about three months before it was discovered that he had suffered from amnesia, as well as paralysis in both his legs. It was then that his parents sent him to the institute in Tokyo where he is currently staying. The attendings to Akira's case suspect him to have either a case of Dissociative Identity Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder.


Being the state he is in, it's difficult for Akira to socialise with anyone. He is quiet, silent, most of the time, purely because he doesn't know what to say. He struggles to try and sink into the background at all times, as long as it means he does not have to talk to anyone. This is not an action out of hate to anyone or the people around him, but rather, an action to protect what little self he has left.


Akira is a small, scrawny boy for his age with a mop of ash-blonde hair and pale azure eyes.

Family members and their occupations:

Father: Solicitor

Mother: Chief Neurosurgeon

The World Character Profile

Phase: The Machinator, Gorre

Name: 'Cassiel' (ALTER)

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Level: 34

Class: Brandish

Guild: N/A


An interesting Player who is seen as a regular competitor at the Battle Arena. Despite his long history there, he is still a participant who has a winning streak of 50/50. Other than that, his performances in the Arena have given him a long-winded reputation of having the vitality and tenacity of a cockroach. So, while not a particularly strong opponent, anyone that goes against him let out a sigh of dismay, because no one emerges unscathed. One match in particular that went down in Arena history was when he face a team of Players on solo. As for the results, two of the team members quit and the remaining was never heard from again.


Confident, but not arrogant. 'Cassiel' is hard-headed and when he starts something, he can only see it. Unaffected by society and morals, justice and evil, and all other such 'opposing' thoughts, he does what he wants to for his own sake. An 'honest' outspoken person who tends to not care very much for the feelings of others.



'Cassiel' wears a curious outfit consisting of a black and red vest of sorts, cut at the front to show his abdomen, under which he wears a similarly-coloured bandage around his chest. A pair of silver bracelets don his wrists, as well as a pair of black gloves. Around his hips, he wears a white belt with a silver buckle over a pair of black shorts which are connected to a pair of high knee-socks. A pair of black and red platform boots don his feet, and he wears a silver metal collar of sorts around his neck. 'Cassiel' can be seen with a silver crucifix with a ruby set in its centre wrapped around his right forearm.

He has a mane of black hair and mismatched eyes of ruby and silver. Like Cassiel, however, he also has the same scars on his face and body.

Real World Character Profile


Age: 15

Gender: Male

Location: Tokyo, Japan


The name given to what seems to be Tsukuyomi Akira's 'alter ego'. Doctors have noticed that he tends to emerge when Akira is playing The World, or other such online games where free contact with other individuals occurs. Thus, using this method, they are putting tabs on AKIRA and keeping a close watch on him. The main difference between the two, however, is that AKIRA can see, and appears to remember everything, except for parts where Akira is concious.

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mmm I don't know much about .hack so please try'n work with me here...



The World Character Profile

Name: Xero

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: human

Level: 43

Class:Twin Blade

Guild: The Assassin's Guild

History: Xero has been Lurking in the underground of The World. He has been known to hang in low populated area's, and then disappears to unknown maps to hold "meetings". However for the most part he's pretty much like an average player. His Goals are unknown, and he hides behind wise saying and codes. The only time he'll stick around is to recruit new members for the Assassin's Guild. It is unknown however how he chooses his recruits, except that you are in fact chosen. Xero is the leader of the assassin's...


When Xero has his sights locked on a "target" he won't let off... whether the target is a new recruit, or an assassination. He is a very determined individual. Who hides his true intentions... He however can be a very vocal, and a good leader.


(see avatar for a good Idea)

Xero has long brown hair, and brown eyes to match. He hold a black chin strap like beard. Xero dresses in a black robe, which on the back holds a white AG symbol(see signiture) He wears light armor and gloves which have the AG symbol cut out of them. The robes has a wide white belt that goes around the stomach area. He also wears black sandals which are look more like flip flops, but hold tight so as to not make the noise as they do.



Real World Character Profile

Name:Ikusa Kokuei

Age: 18


Location: Kyoto, Japan

History:Ikusa is your average kid. He was born to Mokoto and Sakura Kokuei in Kyoto, They run a computer shop and do okay financially.Ikusa is the oldest of three. He is a bit of a class clown, despite the fact he is one of the more intelligent kids in his class. As a child he enjoyed Video Games, ninjutsu and Soccer. As he got older however things like Philosophy grabbed his interest, however he still enjoys playing Soccer for his high school. Ikusa frequently irritates his teachers. His head is either in the clouds or on some incomprehensible thing like feeling nothing, no touch, sight, sense, sound, or taste.... etc. He plays the world to leave the problems that he has at school. Which also frustrate his parents.   


Ikusa is witty, and comical. Which sometimes comes of as sarcastic an satirical.  However this is the only way he feels he can connect with other people, because he really enjoys thinking about philosophical questions. Or things that other teenagers/young adults seem to have no interest in. 


He has short black hair. He wears a black beanie down to cover his eye brows. He usually wears a black T-shirt with some band logo alot of them bands from America/Uk and older bands(i.e The Ramones, Guns & Roses, Nirvana, Jet, The Eagles, etc.), dark blue cargo jeans, and flip-flops, sometimes accompanied by socks. Ikusa is 5'7" and about 160 lbs.

Family members and their occupations:

Mokoto Kokuei- father-Computer shop owner

Sakura Kokuei- Mother- Home Maker/ Computer Shop Employee

Sora Kokuei- younger brother- 9 grade

Mizuki Kokuei - younger sister- 3 grade.

Takezo Kokuei- Grandfather- Ninjutsu instructor

Chihiro Kokuei- Grandmother- Home Maker

Haruka Kokuei- Aunt- Flowers shop owner

Akira Kokuei- Uncle- Works at computer shop

Yui Kokuei- Coz- 12 grade

Kenshi Kokuei- Coz- 8 grade

Kazuki Yamashita- Grandfather- Retired

Miki Yamashita- Grandmother- Retired

(only had one kid)

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The World Character Profile

Phase:The Propagation, Magus




Race:Original Character


Class:Twin Blade


History:Normally keeping to himself, Zell is not known but isn't unknown. His appearance in The World was noted as a winner of an event that awarded him a free copy of the game. He is normally found looking for clues to unknown areas or fighting for fame.

Personality:Zell is quiet but not shy. He thinks things through before taking action. He only joins The World because all of his friends play and he got it for free.

Appearance:Zell normally wears a black trench coat covering everything. He is around 5 ft 9 and his eyes are a black color. His hair is medium length and brown colored with blonde highlights. He always carries around two tri blades. Zell has been known to be able to change his appearance to look like a angel with golden wings.

Real World Character Profile

Name:Michael Tarakov



Location:Okinawa, Japan

History:Michael is mostly a normal teenager or he was until he found The World. He planned on staying far away from online games but The World beckoned him. The rumors of the Dot Hackers made him compelled to uncover the truths behind them. He comes from a normal family with the exception of a hyperactive brother.

Personality:Normal, quite, headstrong.

Appearance:5"7, normally wears all black clothing, short brown hair, hazel eyes

Family members and their occupations:

Kevin - brother - unemployed

Bill - father - Game Developer

Vicky - mother - unemployed

Nick - grandfather - retired

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I laugh at how anyone from the western world could try to comprehend such a thing without experience.

Luke your such a big weeabo that you moved to Japan... xD jk... btw If I go to Japan I'm staying with you xD jk jk

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We have commandeered this thread in which the creator has vanished in the name of discussion of the 'weeaboo' species. I would like to point out that while I may attend anime conventions and insist on watching subs over dubs (if it's in a foreign language, it's harder to recognize god-awful voice-acting. That's my excuse, anyways), I am not a weeaboo, as I find certain stories from Japan disturbing (therefore not making it 'BEST COUNTRY IN ZA WARUDO LOLOLOL). Such as

public train groping and 'used pantsu' vending machines. Also the #1 most perverted country in the world. How it beat out the USA I will never kn- oh wait. H-games. Nevermind.

Also, need I remind everyone the term 'weeaboo' was coined on 4chan? On that note,

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rutao, have you gone insane? :D

Actually, what most people consider "sane" is a fairly irrational state of mind. Many "insane" people possess uncharacteristically rational personalities, and are capable of carrying on trains of thought that are so far beyond what most people would conceive that it could be considered madness, blasphemy, and/or Sparta.

TL;DR: I have pseudo-logic from Skull Beetle in my sig. What do you think, eh?

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oh wait. H-games. Nevermind.

Son. I am dissapoint.

Anyhow, it's time to get this show on the road imo. I've been fixing a bunch of stuff, including another RPing forum, but now all that's more or less up and running.

I looked over all the apps posted thus far.

Phoenix, can you be more descriptive as far as appearence goes?

Willace, there is only one server...And a character who dissapears all the time isn't going to work very well with the story here.

Apeiron, similar to Willace - a character who insists on only ever saying one line isn't going to fit in very much. It's not quite as bad though, so I can let it slide, but you may want to consider making him a bit more...talkative. There will be talking after all.

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The World Character Profile

Name: Rei

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Level: 23

Class: Flicker

Guild: N/A

History: Rei has been playing on The World for several months now. All this time, she's been playing to keep her mind away from something in the real world.  She doesn't really seem to like it when others bother her, unless she's in a good mood. So she'll either just sit down and do nothing, or go out into fields to level up and explore the game. Some have seen her accidentally fall asleep, but assume that she was ignoring them and thought she was a rude player.

Personality: Rei has two important moods. One is when she's in a good mood; she won't mind anyone and will go up to other players and greet them. The other is when she?s not so happy, meaning she would go to the lengths of PKing someone if they kept bothering her. Rei has been showing this side a lot lately. But her usual side is being in a happy mood and not minding things, almost like an air-head.

Appearance: Rei

Real World Character Profile

Name: Kimiko Fujiwara

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Location: Tokyo, Japan

History: Kimiko lives in a good house with a loving family. She?s the only child so she has been spoiled over and over again since her parents are paid well. But the main reason for this is because her parents try to keep her busy while they?re away at work or business trips. One day, when she came home from school, they gave her a game called [The World]. They said that it was the latest and most popular game in Japan. She was reluctant at first to play it, but soon grew to know it as her second life. She?d play hours on end, trying to not think about her parents being gone for long periods of time. Soon she became obsessed with the game and everything about it. Sometimes she even falls asleep playing it.

Personality: She?s basically shy in the real world, unlike her game self. She won?t talk much unless she gets to know you. Kimiko sometimes has moments where she?ll just let loose and act a little crazy. Other than that, she just observes everything and speaks when needed to.

Appearance: Kimiko Fujiwara

Family members and their occupations:

Fujiwara Ichirou- Owner of a successful Law Firm

Fujiwara Natsumi- Doctor

I just typed this up. Done with the appearances.

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by disappears I mean he can hide from who ever he needs too, not saying that he's always hidden I'm not that... I just need him to keep a mysteriousness... Obviously he is choosing to talk to the characters in the RP... and I told you I know little of dotHack ;D gotta get my PS2 back and GU...

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by disappears I mean he can hide from who ever he needs too, not saying that he's always hidden I'm not that... I just need him to keep a mysteriousness... Obviously he is choosing to talk to the characters in the RP... and I told you I know little of dotHack ;D gotta get my PS2 back and GU...

And that's what I'm saying isn't very good xP

Apeiron, looks good.

Rei, looks fine, though I would have preferred some more stuff in the in-game personality section <.<;

Edit: Oh right. MY character. *goes to finish*

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