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And I assume that since I didn't get a comment, my profile's fine?

Son. I am dissapoint.

Non-broken, logical English please? o___o Do I need to re-do it, or what?

You already got your answer when I first said I had looked them all over.

I am truly dissapoint.

You might find that it is hard to write a character while sleeping btw.

Also this thread. It is an eyesore. It is the reason I can't be happy. This thraed this THRad THisThreadT his TherasTHISTHREAD THIS THREAD THIS THREAD.

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And I assume that since I didn't get a comment, my profile's fine?

Son. I am dissapoint.

Non-broken, logical English please? o___o Do I need to re-do it, or what?

You already got your answer when I first said I had looked them all over.

I am truly dissapoint.

You might find that it is hard to write a character while sleeping btw.

Also this thread. It is an eyesore. It is the reason I can't be happy. This thraed this THRad THisThreadT his TherasTHISTHREAD THIS THREAD THIS THREAD.

: | So I do need to re-do it? My brain reads things 110% literally.

And sorry that this thread is such a bringer of unhappiness.

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You already got your answer when I first said I had looked them all over.

I am truly dissapoint.

You might find that it is hard to write a character while sleeping btw.

Also this thread. It is an eyesore. It is the reason I can't be happy. This thraed this THRad THisThreadT his TherasTHISTHREAD THIS THREAD THIS THREAD.

*Richard Simmons voice* You've got turn that frown upside down mister! We've gotta exercise the demons! You've gotta sweat to the oldies!!! Common mister frowny face! you can do it! and 1...,2...,1,2,3,4!

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Pfffff. You people need to play Tsukihime so you can see what I did thar.

And Rutao, I am dissapoint because you don't see that I was dissapoint because you had to ask if it was fine when I'd already said all the others were fine :D

I am truly, honest to god, dissapoint.

Protip: thegodisalie.

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Pfffff. You people need to play Tsukihime so you can see what I did thar.

And Rutao, I am dissapoint because you don't see that I was dissapoint because you had to ask if it was fine when I'd already said all the others were fine :D

I am truly, honest to god, dissapoint.

Protip: thegodisalie.

Now you're just messing with me. ...Continuing to mess with me. ?_?

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@hawthorneluke: I don't think it's a public sport or funky vending machines are common. It's just that the fact that they exist and are prominent enough for me to hear about it is what's weird.

America must be terrible with all the murders and rape then going on daily lol

How boring the world must be if there was nothing different from yourself :D

By the way, I think 100% of foreingers have heard about underwear selling vending machines and about 1% of Japanese have lol. In the end I see it as "Japan, the place where anything's possible" :P lol

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@hawthorneluke: I don't think it's a public sport or funky vending machines are common. It's just that the fact that they exist and are prominent enough for me to hear about it is what's weird.

America must be terrible with all the murders and rape then going on daily lol

How boring the world must be if there was nothing different from yourself :D

By the way, I think 100% of foreingers have heard about underwear selling vending machines and about 1% of Japanese have lol. In the end I see it as "Japan, the place where anything's possible" :P lol


Actually, the USA does have murder and rape far too frequently. Hell, we also have more people in prison that any other country in the world, and for the most rediculous things. And as far as the 'everyone has a gun' thing goes, there are enough people here that make enough fuss about keeping their guns that I can see why other countries would think that. Also, there's not supposed to be a national religion here, on the grounds of 'that's why the USA exists in the first place.' But there are radical Christians that insist on shoving their creationism BS into science classes and teaching that evolution didn't happen and that Earth is only 10,000 years old. There's even a creationism museuem here that is being displayed as absolute fact! Not to mention everyone blaming all their problems on Obama. I'd like to see any of them try getting this place's economy back on its feet. I guess they don't realize that being the President of the USA is one of the most difficult, demanding jobs on the planet. Presidents age 10x faster than just about everyone else because of sheer stress.


And my cynicism keeps me thinking that every other country is as bad or worse, since I was raised by a flawed education system (oh that's another thing) that kept teaching me that 'the USA is the greatest country EVARZ.' Such a positive person, aren't I?

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@hawthorneluke: I don't think it's a public sport or funky vending machines are common. It's just that the fact that they exist and are prominent enough for me to hear about it is what's weird.

America must be terrible with all the murders and rape then going on daily lol

How boring the world must be if there was nothing different from yourself :D

By the way, I think 100% of foreingers have heard about underwear selling vending machines and about 1% of Japanese have lol. In the end I see it as "Japan, the place where anything's possible" :P lol


Actually, the USA does have murder and rape far too frequently. Hell, we also have more people in prison that any other country in the world, and for the most rediculous things. And as far as the 'everyone has a gun' thing goes, there are enough people here that make enough fuss about keeping their guns that I can see why other countries would think that. Also, there's not supposed to be a national religion here, on the grounds of 'that's why the USA exists in the first place.' But there are radical Christians that insist on shoving their creationism BS into science classes and teaching that evolution didn't happen and that Earth is only 10,000 years old. There's even a creationism museuem here that is being displayed as absolute fact! Not to mention everyone blaming all their problems on Obama. I'd like to see any of them try getting this place's economy back on its feet. I guess they don't realize that being the President of the USA is one of the most difficult, demanding jobs on the planet. Presidents age 10x faster than just about everyone else because of sheer stress.


And my cynicism keeps me thinking that every other country is as bad or worse, since I was raised by a flawed education system (oh that's another thing) that kept teaching me that 'the USA is the greatest country EVARZ.' Such a positive person, aren't I?

You should throw a warning far left views within lol

Really there is little to really none for evaluation...

well micro evaluation yes... but Macro none...

that's why it is called the Theory of evalution not the Law...

Evalution should be taught in science class either it isn't Science it's Creed... Science is studying stuff that has irrefutable evidence.... Gravity, Chemistry, Physics... not the basis on which things are the way they are... 

And you have to watch out for those Radical Christians with their blowing up stuff l... lol (An American Carol) I think it's funny how people think America is a terrible place because the Christians won't let them do stuff (though to be truthful We have not a hold on anything... on legal terms we have no stand...)

neways... this is America we hold the right to say what we please 1st amendment if you don't like move to Canada or Mexico... get the swine flu whatever... >_>

and to be truthful Obama is kinda digging a financial grave... but I agree none the less being Pres is hard, but when Bush did it... it was cause he was a moronic hillbilly from Texas... >.> your Argument seems to be very one sided... and Selectively Ignorant...  as I'm sure mine is... I guess that's a part of being Opinionated

On a joke side... I think it's funny how we made fun of Bush for being a babbling Idiot, Clintion for being a cheater, and Obama for the fact he can't speak without a teleprompter in front of him... However it seems every president after Reagan was perfect... besides Nixon... lol 

To be truthful I'm a "republican" but I hope Obama is the best president ever...

No I'm not from Texas from from far Left New York...

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@hawthorneluke: I don't think it's a public sport or funky vending machines are common. It's just that the fact that they exist and are prominent enough for me to hear about it is what's weird.

America must be terrible with all the murders and rape then going on daily lol

How boring the world must be if there was nothing different from yourself :D

By the way, I think 100% of foreingers have heard about underwear selling vending machines and about 1% of Japanese have lol. In the end I see it as "Japan, the place where anything's possible" :P lol


Actually, the USA does have murder and rape far too frequently. Hell, we also have more people in prison that any other country in the world, and for the most rediculous things. And as far as the 'everyone has a gun' thing goes, there are enough people here that make enough fuss about keeping their guns that I can see why other countries would think that. Also, there's not supposed to be a national religion here, on the grounds of 'that's why the USA exists in the first place.' But there are radical Christians that insist on shoving their creationism BS into science classes and teaching that evolution didn't happen and that Earth is only 10,000 years old. There's even a creationism museuem here that is being displayed as absolute fact! Not to mention everyone blaming all their problems on Obama. I'd like to see any of them try getting this place's economy back on its feet. I guess they don't realize that being the President of the USA is one of the most difficult, demanding jobs on the planet. Presidents age 10x faster than just about everyone else because of sheer stress.


And my cynicism keeps me thinking that every other country is as bad or worse, since I was raised by a flawed education system (oh that's another thing) that kept teaching me that 'the USA is the greatest country EVARZ.' Such a positive person, aren't I?

Now the world's back to how it all should be :P

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@hawthorneluke: I don't think it's a public sport or funky vending machines are common. It's just that the fact that they exist and are prominent enough for me to hear about it is what's weird.

America must be terrible with all the murders and rape then going on daily lol

How boring the world must be if there was nothing different from yourself :D

By the way, I think 100% of foreingers have heard about underwear selling vending machines and about 1% of Japanese have lol. In the end I see it as "Japan, the place where anything's possible" :P lol


Actually, the USA does have murder and rape far too frequently. Hell, we also have more people in prison that any other country in the world, and for the most rediculous things. And as far as the 'everyone has a gun' thing goes, there are enough people here that make enough fuss about keeping their guns that I can see why other countries would think that. Also, there's not supposed to be a national religion here, on the grounds of 'that's why the USA exists in the first place.' But there are radical Christians that insist on shoving their creationism BS into science classes and teaching that evolution didn't happen and that Earth is only 10,000 years old. There's even a creationism museuem here that is being displayed as absolute fact! Not to mention everyone blaming all their problems on Obama. I'd like to see any of them try getting this place's economy back on its feet. I guess they don't realize that being the President of the USA is one of the most difficult, demanding jobs on the planet. Presidents age 10x faster than just about everyone else because of sheer stress.


And my cynicism keeps me thinking that every other country is as bad or worse, since I was raised by a flawed education system (oh that's another thing) that kept teaching me that 'the USA is the greatest country EVARZ.' Such a positive person, aren't I?

You should throw a warning far left views within lol

Really there is little to really none for evaluation...

well micro evaluation yes... but Macro none...

that's why it is called the Theory of evalution not the Law...

Evalution should be taught in science class either it isn't Science it's Creed... Science is studying stuff that has irrefutable evidence.... Gravity, Chemistry, Physics... not the basis on which things are the way they are... 

And you have to watch out for those Radical Christians with their blowing up stuff l... lol (An American Carol) I think it's funny how people think America is a terrible place because the Christians won't let them do stuff (though to be truthful We have not a hold on anything... on legal terms we have no stand...)

neways... this is America we hold the right to say what we please 1st amendment if you don't like move to Canada or Mexico... get the swine flu whatever... >_>

and to be truthful Obama is kinda digging a financial grave... but I agree none the less being Pres is hard, but when Bush did it... it was cause he was a moronic hillbilly from Texas... >.> your Argument seems to be very one sided... and Selectively Ignorant...  as I'm sure mine is... I guess that's a part of being Opinionated

On a joke side... I think it's funny how we made fun of Bush for being a babbling Idiot, Clintion for being a cheater, and Obama for the fact he can't speak without a teleprompter in front of him... However it seems every president after Reagan was perfect... besides Nixon... lol 

To be truthful I'm a "republican" but I hope Obama is the best president ever...

No I'm not from Texas from from far Left New York...

I blame my PMSing for any one-sided, irrational views. And yes, I am left-winged.

I did a thesis paper on evolution. Too many people believe that since it's called a 'theory', it's still just an idea. This is completely incorrect. Many of the 'holes' in evolution have filled in, and any remaining ones are mostly trivial and likely soon to be filled in as well. Willace, if you'd like to discuss the finer points of the evolution v. intelligent design/creationism, I'd love to take you up on that, via PM, of course. Though, since this is the internet, many people don't know when they've been presented with irrefutable proof that they've lost the arguement. *sigh*

Anyways, I do respect that you're a Republican that doesn't think Obama is the worst President ever to set foot in the White House.

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@hawthorneluke: I don't think it's a public sport or funky vending machines are common. It's just that the fact that they exist and are prominent enough for me to hear about it is what's weird.

America must be terrible with all the murders and rape then going on daily lol

How boring the world must be if there was nothing different from yourself :D

By the way, I think 100% of foreingers have heard about underwear selling vending machines and about 1% of Japanese have lol. In the end I see it as "Japan, the place where anything's possible" :P lol


Actually, the USA does have murder and rape far too frequently. Hell, we also have more people in prison that any other country in the world, and for the most rediculous things. And as far as the 'everyone has a gun' thing goes, there are enough people here that make enough fuss about keeping their guns that I can see why other countries would think that. Also, there's not supposed to be a national religion here, on the grounds of 'that's why the USA exists in the first place.' But there are radical Christians that insist on shoving their creationism BS into science classes and teaching that evolution didn't happen and that Earth is only 10,000 years old. There's even a creationism museuem here that is being displayed as absolute fact! Not to mention everyone blaming all their problems on Obama. I'd like to see any of them try getting this place's economy back on its feet. I guess they don't realize that being the President of the USA is one of the most difficult, demanding jobs on the planet. Presidents age 10x faster than just about everyone else because of sheer stress.


And my cynicism keeps me thinking that every other country is as bad or worse, since I was raised by a flawed education system (oh that's another thing) that kept teaching me that 'the USA is the greatest country EVARZ.' Such a positive person, aren't I?

You should throw a warning far left views within lol

Really there is little to really none for evaluation...

well micro evaluation yes... but Macro none...

that's why it is called the Theory of evalution not the Law...

Evalution should be taught in science class either it isn't Science it's Creed... Science is studying stuff that has irrefutable evidence.... Gravity, Chemistry, Physics... not the basis on which things are the way they are... 

And you have to watch out for those Radical Christians with their blowing up stuff l... lol (An American Carol) I think it's funny how people think America is a terrible place because the Christians won't let them do stuff (though to be truthful We have not a hold on anything... on legal terms we have no stand...)

neways... this is America we hold the right to say what we please 1st amendment if you don't like move to Canada or Mexico... get the swine flu whatever... >_>

and to be truthful Obama is kinda digging a financial grave... but I agree none the less being Pres is hard, but when Bush did it... it was cause he was a moronic hillbilly from Texas... >.> your Argument seems to be very one sided... and Selectively Ignorant...  as I'm sure mine is... I guess that's a part of being Opinionated

On a joke side... I think it's funny how we made fun of Bush for being a babbling Idiot, Clintion for being a cheater, and Obama for the fact he can't speak without a teleprompter in front of him... However it seems every president after Reagan was perfect... besides Nixon... lol 

To be truthful I'm a "republican" but I hope Obama is the best president ever...

No I'm not from Texas from from far Left New York...

I blame my PMSing for any one-sided, irrational views. And yes, I am left-winged.

I did a thesis paper on evolution. Too many people believe that since it's called a 'theory', it's still just an idea. This is completely incorrect. Many of the 'holes' in evolution have filled in, and any remaining ones are mostly trivial and likely soon to be filled in as well. Willace, if you'd like to discuss the finer points of the evolution v. intelligent design/creationism, I'd love to take you up on that, via PM, of course. Though, since this is the internet, many people don't know when they've been presented with irrefutable proof that they've lost the arguement. *sigh*

Anyways, I do respect that you're a Republican that doesn't think Obama is the worst President ever to set foot in the White House.

No that'd be Benjamin Franklin xD lol jk

Sure I'd like to see what you've got... like for example what I t-rex looks like I mean really It could have been purple with green spots... because after all nobody was there... we just take educated guesses and when you add that to what someone believes you get interesting results, just food for thought here if you gave a set of bones to 10 artist/scientist  you'll come up with 10 different looking creatures... some things are left up the imagination... because we weren't there nobody could actually say which is correct... but maybe we shall continue in a PM to stop spam 

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He always carries around two tri blades. Zell has been known to be able to change his appearance to look like a angel with golden wings.
No. You are a regular player using a regular player character. Also loltriedge.
Race:Original Character
...No <.<;
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He always carries around two tri blades. Zell has been known to be able to change his appearance to look like a angel with golden wings.
No. You are a regular player using a regular player character. Also loltriedge.
Race:Original Character
...No <.<;

might I add fail...

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He always carries around two tri blades. Zell has been known to be able to change his appearance to look like a angel with golden wings.
No. You are a regular player using a regular player character. Also loltriedge.
Race:Original Character
...No <.<;

might I add fail...

Hoo boy. phoenix, if you want a soul-crushing-but-helpful critique, I'd be more than glad to give you one. I'm sure Aku would as well. And Willace, apparently. XD

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mine would probably be the nicest... sry I'm used to have a bunch of one lining noobs trying to be God Like characters and completely ignoring the rules... Ah good ol' Shinobi Chronicles.... good times... gooooood times....

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I'm only doing this out of boredom. Original Characters can be normal players. So get yo facts straight and read more .hack. This isn't a god-like character I made, just wanted to have a look to make him differentiated from the masses.

Uh. I'll have you know I've read G.U.+, XXXX, LotT, watched LotT, SIGN, and ROOTS, and finished G.U. twice. As soon as I can get my mits on Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine, I'll have finished them as well. (All I could find was Infection last time I went out old-game hunting.)

Making your character different boils down to using a unique personality, physical design, and class (where's the Steam Gunner love, everyone?). And WTF do you mean by 'Original Characters can be normal players'?

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I'm only doing this out of boredom. Original Characters can be normal players. So get yo facts straight and read more .hack. This isn't a god-like character I made, just wanted to have a look to make him differentiated from the masses.

Anyhow, what I said stands. Conform or jump ship, your choice :3
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I'm only doing this out of boredom. Original Characters can be normal players. So get yo facts straight and read more .hack. This isn't a god-like character I made, just wanted to have a look to make him differentiated from the masses.

I was speaking in general not about you...

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