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Long Time no see!!


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HEY EVERYONE IM BACK!!!  :D its been to long (ever since about August actually) and id like to announce my coming backness  :v

Its really good to be back see you all around!!!

P.S. Whats up in term of updates?? Anything new???

P.S.S. (is it P.S.S? or P.P.S? i think P.S.S.... o well) im really excited to be back  :v

P.S.S.S (is that right?) I LOVE THE NEW FACES!!!!!!!!!!!!! :$ :v :P smile.png

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Hi~~~Miss your signature...More maps I guess?

Hi! Thanks  :v it seems I'm remembered so that makes me happy  :P  i have seen only the Christmas time ones so far  ;-; but how much more maps have been made? Also Ive noticed a few letters flying around the many maps. What's that all about  :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lol, welcome back. :]

I most definitely remember you!

Glad to see old faces returning. :]

haha thanks :D

just for the record I rememer all of you too!! Haha, I was a little shocked to see sone of you change your profile picture!!

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Lol, a few of them have changed there pix. Who do you mean?

haha well from what I remember... YOU have Willow, Melph has, lelouche has, and that's all really I can remember off the top and bottom of my head XD

It appears that Balmung has changed his Pic as well  :D

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Lol yea Crim you havent changed your profile much XD

Neither have you :P

haha yes but I haven't been on since August  :D

I know :P but it's great to see you back though! :P

thanks  smile.png it's good to be back. Hopefully I'll be making some awesome maps when finals are finally done!!

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Thank goodness I'm done already.

Good luck with your finals guys~

Thanks Melphi, I just gotta worry about Spanish.  That's it, which I'm already good at wink.png

SAMSIES!!! and thanks Melph  :D. Spanish really shouldn't be all that hard... Especially when I have a Study guide at hand!! What level Spanish are you at Lelouch? I'm in Spanish 2  :v

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Thank goodness I'm done already.

Good luck with your finals guys~

Thanks Melphi, I just gotta worry about Spanish.  That's it, which I'm already good at wink.png

SAMSIES!!! and thanks Melph  :D. Spanish really shouldn't be all that hard... Especially when I have a Study guide at hand!! What level Spanish are you at Lelouch? I'm in Spanish 2  :v

Spanish 1, last year I took first year Japanese.

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