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Why did you start?

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Guest Makkurachi

:'( why did they change my name  :'(

Because translators suck? :3

(He's Balmunk in the rest of the book, but the translator made a typo on the character page. xD)

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ah lol tongue.png

i've noticed, in the tokyo pop translation of the another birth volumes, they use the same timeline from ai buster 2 i think. so it has like "second story" or "hotaru's story" or something in places on the time line, referring to where each story takes place in the ai buster 2 book lol (but those are the only small details in the timeline so its obvious it's just a timeline made for the ai buster 2 book, but they used it in another birth too, which then doesnt make sense :P)



(dont think i've seen a slower server in my life :D)

i see

well america sucks :/

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Guest LegendaryDarkKnight

Why did everyone start getting into the dothack franchise and which series of it was your first?

For me it was .hack//SIGN on cartoon network. At the time I didn't know what the hell it was about, but I got the first game to learn more.

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i think it started when i saw the .hack//infection commerical..i was woah..cool!!!..then i started watching the anime,when i first got the game, i sucked,but as time went of i got to owning inf and mut (Gameshark) =P.and i couldnt wait for G.U, when i first saw it i was like,,zomg kite and haseo!! i even  named my internet username's after .hack

VCH = VirusCoreHacker

Epitaph of Twilight and Ect xD

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First I played The World, and after a couple of moths of playing I found out that they had come out with an anime and game series here based on the MMO, so I naturally dove right in. It was a pleasure to find out that Cubia appeared in the games often. I guess I just got lucky on that point. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the .hack series, and still continue to play it today. I had recently given The World a break, however, but picked it back up again just this week....it seems some of my old friends aren't on as much these days....

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A friend told me about the Legend of the Twilight series, and I read all of those. The same friend gave me AI Buster Volumes 1 and 2 for my birthday, and then I bought Another Birth Volumes 1 and 2. I started watching Sign, and then Legend of the Twilight anime. I'd get the games but I don't have a ps2.

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then watch the video's in the "Extremely helpful background info" topic on this board. they're very good :D

and welcome to the forums, you two :P

*This post has been cleansed of the evil caused by Hawethorneluke's proxy. This service was performed by TheDarkJay.

XD, actually it's my school's fault for blocking this site T_T

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
Guest Garoth

In truth, I never was "crazy" about dot.Hack. I do have two of the comics and I was able to read the third one. I find the concept of bringing a game into a story really cool, although, just like in any comic or movie, the events in the comic are really fantastic. I don't think there's a single MMORPG that's anything like dot.Hack.

The only reason I'm here is because I was impressed by Luke's programming knowledge... Kinda like, if I hang around long enough, some things might rub off on me type of thing? :D

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Guest Pleinair

In truth, I never was "crazy" about dot.Hack. I do have two of the comics and I was able to read the third one. I find the concept of bringing a game into a story really cool, although, just like in any comic or movie, the events in the comic are really fantastic. I don't think there's a single MMORPG that's anything like dot.Hack.

The only reason I'm here is because I was impressed by Luke's programming knowledge... Kinda like, if I hang around long enough, some things might rub off on me type of thing? :D

Thread revival much?

Anyway, to be on topic, I started with the manga first. It was one of the first ones I bought, actually. After that, my brother borrowed the DVDs for SIGN from his friend and we watched through them. Then we got the first and second game... though we never did get the 3rd or 4th. I think it would be hard to get used to that system again, seeing as it's far inferior to the system of GU.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Terror of Death

Why did everyone start getting into the dothack franchise and which series of it was your first?

For me it was .hack//SIGN on cartoon network. At the time I didn't know what the hell it was about, but I got the first game to learn more.

This is about exactly the same for me. GO Sora! the PK ;P

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  • 2 months later...

it was the very first .hack game that got me into .hack.

i was at a friends house and i was playing final fantasy 10, and he said he got a new game that he hadnt played yet... and the first game came out with the very first anime episode also or something like that.

we watched it and then I watched him play the game and then i played the game.

since then i liked .hack... but i dont have a ps2 so i cant have it....

i joined here because it has been a long time that i have been searching for a .hack mmo.... and i saw hawthorneluke was making a pretty good one based on the youtube vid... tho i wished it would be better graphics, but i decided i wanted to join for when it started and be part of the magic, and help maintain the community in the game.

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i played dot.hack//Infection because my step-sister wanted it, then my cousin played it, then i got into the game and pwn'd up to vol. 3 and never got to vol. 4 XD

then i got GU because of its looks-of-kickassness battle system and then i stopped after vol.2 and idk if i wanna get vol.3 because of FO MO MONTHS till Brawl, and RO

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  • 3 months later...

Reviving this topic... again...

I started with .hack//SIGN on Cartoon Network. Hey, it was an anime (+1) about an mmorpg (+1), so naturally it had to be watched. I only seen the first... 2? episodes before the time slot changed and I never found SIGN again. Completely forgot about the franchise until Legend about a year later.

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