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[guild] suicidal noobs!!


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I AM HEREBY MAKING A GUILD BY THE NAME OF [shadow=red,left][glow=red,2,300]SUICIDAL NOOBS[/glow][/shadow]

to join here is what must be done

1.must make meeting in game to join

2.must do something stupid

3.#2 is negotiable

mwhahahahaaa should be fun.

rping is allowed XP

to get my sig http://s602.photobucket.com/albums/tt103/AdrianEsp/?action=view&current=suicidalnoobs.gif

suicidal noobs members get and give free explosive cookies XD

boss man=me


#3 specpore


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yea got boring wanted to make a good active guild and good guilds are rare.

where i got the name.

got the idea for the name by fighting 2 lvl 900 monster solo multiple times with a lvl 30 char in a crowd of lvl 190s and such who also wanted to kill it but couldnt  :D

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No one reads the sticky. NO ONE READS THE STICKY.


But really? I mean honestly. I suck at a game (Heroes of Newerth) so I made a joke account called Gen_Custer. Points for reference. Making a guild that is playing off of suicide bombers (based off of your sig)? No. Just no.

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No one reads the sticky. NO ONE READS THE STICKY.


But really? I mean honestly. I suck at a game (Heroes of Newerth) so I made a joke account called Gen_Custer. Points for reference. Making a guild that is playing off of suicide bombers (based off of your sig)? No. Just no.


You've been absent :P

Oh, and on the note.. DENIED

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I'm just being constructive, sheesh. I'm asking legitimate questions. If you can't handle the questions, or better yet, you can't answer them at all, then perhaps you should actually read the sticky, eh?

Anyways, if I was just being a troll/asshat, I'd be like ol' Apei up there.

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fine im sorry we wont be commiting actuall suicide its just a name for a guild based on just haveing fun, having guild with a purpose of doing something that isnt existant yet is not fun, so i want a guild who likes this game likes being on and wants more people on who will do what they can when they can. the other guilds for pking and aura they arent doing anything this place needs to be livlier, so im trying to make that happen basicly its a game do you want to in order to have fun without bothering others, suicide if thats fun do it aslong as you dont force others.

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