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An adventure in finding G...


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after days of not being online, i went back to [The World] to find a new area, known as "G." i had read up on G and decided to brute force the Chaos gate. after all, i knew the oh so subtle first letter. to make sure i wasn't bothered, i went to rebirth to brute force the gate.

i had gone though about 400 codes before someone came in. i had made a few comments earlier about finding "G," and he heard me. he immediately asked if i wanted the code. What the hell? aren't we suposto be stingy about them and let others work them out? @.@ i told him "Oh, that's no fun to just give it away! but i will take hints... >.>" he told me he had no idea what hint he could give me. then someone else butted in and said that it's * followed by *** *******. (Story or not, i'm not giving it away! at least not in plain sight...

70 codes later, i got to it. what assaulted my eyes was enough to send any person to elipisy to the hospital's emergency room. the lights flashed so fast that it i looked at the screen any longer i would have gotten a monster migraine. i went to the bizarre face in the center to escape and i found myself in the item shop.

If i had Elipsy and somehow survived, i would have sued for there not being any warning before entering...

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Guest Melphina Micaela

Crim is right. Lol.

What work is there in waiting?

But meh...

Guess arguing won't change anything now.

Though I don't approve of your methods.

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Of course I don't want anyone to get hurt :S I only made the map for me, as a joke and have told no one about it anyway. Curiosity killed the cat, as they say :D

But I'd lol so hard if someone tried to sue over such a thing, lol

i would certainly join in on those lol's.

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Wow i haven't checked this thread in awhile...

okay, now to reply to most of the relevant posts @.@

brute forcing eh?

aren't you a lame one.

Yes, yes i am =P

Anyway, i wasn't going to search the forum or the game endlessly, and when 35/36 of the codes are automatically eliminated, i might as well brute force the gate for it.

Tsk, tsk.

Who told you?

TBH, i forgot who. i'm not sire if i saved the chat, let me check...

EDIT: nope, i didn't. if i saw them in game i might remember.

but your not working for it.. the program is.. your just sitting and waiting.

Ehhh? there was a program for that? I wish i knew that earlier. but I'm still not using one.

i suppose, i just dont like going to the item shop when leaving.

Could be worse. it could be the start of the 2nd maze...

Of course I don't want anyone to get hurt :S I only made the map for me, as a joke and have told no one about it anyway. Curiosity killed the cat, as they say :D

But I'd lol so hard if someone tried to sue over such a thing, lol

Eventually, someone might try. put up a warning if you haven't already. (I haven't gone to [The World] since thi topic was posted, so IDK if you did.)

lol come to think of it, why would someone with epilepsy play computer games XD

I have no idea. they could of gotten addicted to them, then got epilepsy, and then continued playing.

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