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Yay! I'm new...yay for new people...yea I'm DarkLove y'all!!!!! I've played some ps2 .hack games which i love! and i've read a novel or two...and i like the idea of this site so i'll download it soon! my cpu is going under some *cough cough* maintenance....so yea :D a lil about the real me....i love food and music!!! I write music too...a lil...im not that good at it yet so yea...

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Guest Melphina Micaela

Sweet! Another music lover!! : D

*is a total band geek*

Welcome! Have fun!

And I hope you enjoy your stay here. :]

*gives a strawberry*

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Anji Roru Aurarios:D/b] "Konnichi wa!! Welcome to [The World] BBS and game.  The name is Anji and I hope we become good friends.  Oh and right next to me is my sister, Demora."

*Drags Demora out for a slight moment introduction.*

Demora Roru Aurarios:P/b] "Uhh...yah...hi.  Sis, let me get back to work here, will yah?"

*Demora returns to her working area.*

Anji Roru Aurarios:P/b] "Tehee, okay then."

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*Anji is puzzled.*

Anji Roru Aurarios:D/b] "Whatever do you mean by that?"

He means that you're acting like you have a second personallity more than having an actual sister, since most siblings would never consent to sharing an account for anything on the internet.

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He means that you're acting like you have a second personallity more than having an actual sister, since most siblings would never consent to sharing an account for anything on the internet.

thats exactly it :D

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He means that you're acting like you have a second personallity more than having an actual sister, since most siblings would never consent to sharing an account for anything on the internet.

thats exactly it :P

??:D/b] "Well...long story short is I have some personality disorder issue. I have been like this since I was young. The cause for it is related to my very dark traumatic past.  I will not say it....as I do not even want to remember it...."

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ah, so in a way i am correct? (not saying anything is wrong with that, i used to have 2 personalities, but after a year, we merged :D )

and so you have me...  a person who is nice, funny, and at times, not so nice.

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He means that you're acting like you have a second personallity more than having an actual sister, since most siblings would never consent to sharing an account for anything on the internet.

thats exactly it :D

??:D/b] "Well...long story short is I have some personality disorder issue. I have been like this since I was young. The cause for it is related to my very dark traumatic past.  I will not say it....as I do not even want to remember it...."

Called it. Anyways, I've something similar, so don't feel weird. I have schizophrenic manifestations of three of my characters living in my head. In a cabin. By a beach. And this on top of a myriad of other random disorders. XD

TL;DR: If you see me typing in red, green, or blue, it's the schizophrenia acting up.


@DarkLove: Complete derailment of new member topics is exceedingly common here. Stick around long enough and you'll find a new member topic of your own to derail. XD

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??:D/b]  "Arigatoo you guys.  It sort of made me feel better a bit.  I thought I was the only one here with this sort of condition symptom...."

Haha, it's the internet. A lot of people have issues, but they're too scared about being looked down on by others. I have no shame. I don't care. I'm me, disorders and all!

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Haha, it's the internet. A lot of people have issues, but they're too scared about being looked down on by others. I have no shame. I don't care. I'm me, disorders and all!

yes. i dont care either what people think, though most dont know cause they dont ask..

??:D/b]  "Arigatoo you guys.  It sort of made me feel better a bit.  I thought I was the only one here with this sort of condition symptom...."

eh, i wouldnt consider mine a condition as much anymore since i am now just me, who changes mood(easiest way of saying it) often.

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I found wierd people....just like MEEE!!! wow XD this is awesome lol and thanks for the strawberry Melphina Micaela...i like strawberries :D I love it when i meet fellow band geeks!!!!

Rutao: my avatar pic is of a fractal....ever heard of the Mandelbrot set? well anywhere you zoom in on it just keeps on going and going basically for infinity into different shapes and colors...i think its kinda cool but im a little wierd XD...i guess its the color of infinity....

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Guest Melphina Micaela

Hey, don't knock it till you try it!! >.<

It's a lot of acid though

so I wouldn't recommend it.

It's just too good for me to resist though. X3

I haven't had some in a long time. ;_;

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Hey, don't knock it till you try it!! >.<

almost true.. for me at least.. but i may have to try it, cause i do like pickles and Cheetos.  kind of like how mix other things that people would say is disgusting lol.

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Hey, don't knock it till you try it!! >.<

It's a lot of acid though

so I wouldn't recommend it.

It's just too good for me to resist though. X3

I haven't had some in a long time. ;_;

If it's a lot of acid, I can knock it before I try it. Acid reflux for the fail. :D

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