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did ya ever notice that....?

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did you ever notice that the company that help's make the .hack// games, CC corp., has a bad rep in the games?

for example "What is CC corp. gonna do about this?" from .hack//G.U. and in the first four games it seemed like they did almost nothing to help the coma victims. I think it's kinda funny that the company lets themselves have a bad rep in the games they help make.

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I think it's kinda funny that they give themselves a bad rep. instead of the oother way around. lol. wounder how they plan to screw themselves over in //link.

I've never heard of a gaming company giving themselves a bad rep in their own game though. I wonder why they do it.

Because they're simulating an MMO? :D

wounder how they plan to screw themselves over in //link.

By putting it on the PSP instead of the PS2 or PS3

And this lol

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  • 2 months later...

And which company is that my friend?  Are you talking about CC2 Japanese site or the fictional game?  If you mention CC2, do not blame them they are very popular right now.  And also the reason they are making the last few dothack series is that they are busy making new games for the Naruto.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Lol I didnt understand at first but now i know what ur talking about!

Thats so true its like omg im playing this awesoem game and then a few mins later i get knocked into a coma!

There parents should like sue them for getting there child into a coma so why dont the parents do that!?

its cause there poor :3

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