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.Hack//The World

Guest Sanha_Trio

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Guest Sanha_Trio

((so you are going to join us? if so, read the first post, and then send my the character cheet.))

" Even admin cannot kill these thing..." he said.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Sanha_Trio

"HEY WAIT!!!" Night said, grabbing the collar of the twin blade's shirt." What are you, nuts? We cant defeat that thing yet! we need to go and train!"

((Ok, I cant wait.))

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Guest Sanha_Trio

" We need to go to a area to lvl, hopefully,I might still have some of the hacking skills from before. You two go stock up on items and things. I'll check on the hacking skills I might have left." He said turning aroudn ot go to the chaos gate.

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