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.Hack//The World

Guest Sanha_Trio

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Guest Sanha_Trio

"Ok, now we have 3 people in our party, want to go and help lvl your friend?" he asked."I dont really lvl up that much..."

((This thread is a combination of "the world." and the 'world R2." the storylines are combined.))

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Guest Sanha_Trio

Sanha overheard the conversation. "Dorali is right, this area is too low lvl to have a boss on the last room." he said." But there's still a RARE treasure in the last room, so lets go." he said heading for the end of the room.

((Ok, Were getting close to running into either a data bug or a evil character from .Hack//(Like Ovan, or azure kite, or a PK.)))

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Suri spots the treasure chest dead ahead. "Look there it is come on." sreaming in excitment and suddenly dark flames come from the ground revealing a player.

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Guest Sanha_Trio

"Oh, s*** not This thing again!!" Night said, getting ready to run in front of suri. "hurry, get otu of here! it wil-" he stopped suddenly, for he was hit in the back by a twin blade.

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"Cool a boss battle."not realizing that night has been attacked, turns around to see that night has been stabed in the back. "night!!!" takes out his weapons and charges at the player.

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Suri slashes the arm of the player and suddenly when hit his arm comes off with the data in his arm starts to disapper. "Cool effect." suri said supprised and amazed.

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Guest Sanha_Trio

night slowly gets up from off the ground. "Damn, we were lucky, that wasn't the real thing." he said. "Ok, lets get out of here befo-DAMN!" He said, as he blocked a oncomign attack.

blazing storm! He said, and he did a series of slashes against the twin blade. only to find out that it disappeared.

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