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Never made a post here when I first came.....

Syoshi Kyoga

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You said you've never made an introductory post, so you would now... But no where in your post was any introduction... So what are people supposed to do? All this thread is is confusing and pointless right now >_< lol

Please don't tell me you just did this for attention (considering you completely missed the entire point of the topic which you yourself made) >_<

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Ok Ok

My intro

Real name

[identity Is to Remain a Secret until Further notice]

Nick name(s):

Syoshi Kyoga ; Ruface Zoonal ; and Vince




Passive aggressive; Well Known by many as the human Rag Doll; Attempts to help through conversation or any other means possible as long as I can do my best to help;At many times feels unappreciated.

Likes :

whats not to like


the color pink unless its associated with food or drink...

Anything else I left out?


I'm a Zombiephobe Despise the living dead and devote much of my time to organizing in the state of an apocalypse!

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