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Obligatory Introduction Topic

Hunter X

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Hi, I'm Hunter X.

I originally heard about this site while I was lurking Cyberconnects - I downloaded your game, played it for a bit and decided to register here. I'm a major lurker on forums, so expect me to be online a lot but not posting often. I (obviously) like .hack, although I haven't played any of the games due to my ps2 being broken. I've been trying out hawthorneluke's map maker - I've already made a smallish test map and plan on making more stuff as time goes on.

I'm sure I'll enjoy my stay here.

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Do I know you from somewhere?

In any case, welcome. :]

I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here too.

Quite possibly, depending on which site you're thinking of - I use the username Hunter X for all games and forums aside from one particular forum.

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Guest Melphina Micaela

Quite possibly, depending on which site you're thinking of - I use the username Hunter X for all games and forums aside from one particular forum.

I've never seen another Hunter X

so I don't think I know you after all.

Unless you were under a different name in CC?

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Hi, I'm Hunter X.

I originally heard about this site while I was lurking Cyberconnects - I downloaded your game, played it for a bit and decided to register here. I'm a major lurker on forums, so expect me to be online a lot but not posting often. I (obviously) like .hack, although I haven't played any of the games due to my ps2 being broken. I've been trying out hawthorneluke's map maker - I've already made a smallish test map and plan on making more stuff as time goes on.

I'm sure I'll enjoy my stay here.

How did you find out what map maker Luke uses? Ive been trying to find that out for like forever >.>

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