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java codeing?


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well look who just stared codeing! (me) its like really hard to do! but i need help! i hope one day i can pump out a indie game in two days like notch(creator of minecraft) did it the ludum dare, thingy this year! :) i can see my self already... (sees self at laptop in a dark room 7:00 at night "klackity klack click click klack" for hours on end) :)

class thanks {

system void something main (whatevercode [] ){

system.out.println("thanks for reading");



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well look who just stared codeing! (me) its like really hard to do! but i need help! i hope one day i can pump out a indie game in two days like notch(creator of minecraft) did it the ludum dare, thingy this year! :) i can see my self already... (sees self at laptop in a dark room 7:00 at night "klackity klack click click klack" for hours on end) :)

class thanks {

system void something main (whatevercode [] ){

system.out.println("thanks for reading");



First, look at the present, not the future. ;) Second, learn2usecodetags. [ code ] [/code]

Interesting that you would start out in java, but I guess that's based on your influence from Notch. Eh, whatever floats your boat. Me personally, I'd suggest something like C#, but I'm in no mood to really be pushing my own ideals onto a new guy. ;p So all I have to say is, good luck! With practice, you will learn many things about coding. The first "code" I've written was almost 10 years ago.. o_O.. jeez, I feel old.

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Java seems to be a big choice for starters, or other to start teaching starters with.

Notch has been programming for > 10 years I'm sure, so it'll take time to get all the experience you need to do such a thing in 2days, but if it's what you like and you have that motivation, then those 10 years will be gone in no time :P

No better time to start than right now :D

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