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[Ther World] R:5 Roleplay


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i have decided that my story should has a role play. submit your characters here, and then you may begin ( once I've given everyone the OK). same classes and all from the story. hope you all still read it. and remember, in R:5 the concept is, not only mid evil, but now the chaos gate is gone.... the game is ONE BIG map.

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RP? Can do, ehehe. (And about the grammar rule I pointed out earlier, I'll show you long posts, muhahah!)

{Character Sheet}

Real World.

Name: Kris(topher or tine, no one knows) Walford

Age: 17

gender: Female? Girly man?

Appearance: Always dresses eccentricly, especially considering that it cross-dresses. ('revealing' tops one day, and heavy coats deemed 'bad-ass' by Kris the next.) Shorter than most other people, and pictured on the right here.

Talents: Being insane and highly intelligent at the same time. People don't see past the crazy, usually.

High school Name: Newport

In Game.

Name: Thanatos (than for short)

Age Appearance: Young adult (20 or so)

Age: 17

Class: Thief

Level: 12

Appearance: Every bit as androgynous as its real-life counterpart here.

Likes: Winning at anything, shinies, PKing boring/idiotic people, Hypnos, people trying to figure out its gender, horrific places/monsters/etc.

Dislikes: Boring people, idiots


{Character Sheet}

Real World.

Name: Jason Walford

Age: 17

gender: Obviously Male

Appearance: In contrast to his twin, Kris, Jason dresses plainly, if not extremely warmly. He wears sweaters, turtlenecks and the like year-round. Tall and lanky, he's on the left here. Always looks tired, because he usually is.

Talents: Being calm, collected and generally mellow, although extremely lazy. Intelligent, but not quite so as Kris.

High school Name: Newport

In Game.

Name: Hypnos (Nos for short)

Age Appearance: Young Adult

Age: 17

Class: Archer (gun specialization)

Level: 9

Appearance: Often seen with an irritated look. Also shark teeth. Here.

Likes: Sitting back and watching the scenery, easy fights

Dislikes: Than's PK frenzies (takes too much effort to help), not being able to relax and unwind in The World, the fact that his hair is starting to gray IRL, even though he's the only one that notices, and stress

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alright. now just waiting on other people to sign up. oh guys, remember, in the game, not everyone's in the same place, and you start were you last logged out. you have teleport spells, but unlike the game I'm about to say, they all have timers (5Minutes) before usable again. for the map,. Imagine Runescape, but more "The World" ish...

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{Character Sheet}

Real World.

Name: Krystal Fujiwara(Krysi)

Age: 13

gender: Female

Appearance: Black shoulder-length hair, pale skin(Asian), dark brown eyes, 5'4", wears usually a white t-shirt, jean shorts, and flip flops(unless there's a school uniform).

Talents: Art and singing.

High school Name: Newport

In Game.

Name: Princess Rei(Krysi)

Age Appearance: 15

Age: 13

Class: Spell Weaver

Level: 7

Appearance: Silver hair w/ the left side pulled behind her ear, pale skin, red eyes, 5'4", has a small red triangle coming from her hairline on her forehead and another triangle on each of her cheeks, wears brown short boots, a purple skirt, white tube top, purple serperate sleeves w/ finger holes. She always carries around a black wavemaster-looking staff with the crystal colored red.


(Likes:) Leveling up, making new friends, [The World] and Coconut Milk!!!(X3)(with blood? wink.png)

(Dislikes:) Getting PKed, PKers, The Kings, "Creeps", and freaky looking monsters.

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Real World.

Name: Lee Takamoto

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n415/Leonredir2/80.png

Talents: Computer repair, technologically advanced,

High school Name:  Batesville High school.

In Game.

Name: Lee Song-Fang

Age Appearance: 21

Age: 12

Class: King

Level: [glow=red,2,300]? ? ? [/glow]

Appearance: http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n415/Leonredir2/Cross_Windsor__lineart_by_AngELofRE.jpg

Likes: Smiling, Laughing, Creating new data, Destroying Data, Crashing other's computers, Playing with other players PC's

Dislikes: Slow Computers, People who mope, People who are not happy, Demi-God's, Some other King's

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{Character Sheet}

Real World.

Name: Jessie Jewel (Jess for short)



Appearance:usually seen wearing a denim Jacket, Black South Pole Limited edition rock star T-Shirt, and Jeans with an old beat up pair of Nike sneakers.

Talents:Guitar, singing, running, tracking, and strange feats only he can manage.

High school Name:    Newport

In Game.

Name: Jessie James

Age Appearance: 23


Class: Demi God


Appearance: Tall, short black hair. crimson red eyes. Usually seen in a Black Hoody, and Jeans. he wears Nike looking Tennishoes. On his forearms there's round metal plates. on his shoulders there's shield like shoulder pads. he wears a full set of ten Iron reaver Claws. around his neck is a black Jewel( similar to the evil version of the finished Shi Kon Jewel). it glows crimson red when he's using his admin powers.


Likes: a good fight, a night with a full moon, his friends, dogs, motor cycles, ATVs, cars, trucks, machines in general, Data, hacking, using his hacking abilitys to make sure the game runs at" optimum speed".

Dislikes: rude, and snooty people, authority, anyone who thinks they can take him in a fight.

What? thought i was gonna let you guys go without me?

AND GO! I'll join you in a few.

To start/Leave it's the same thins as in CC's role play (User Name has logged in/out)

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Princess Rei has logged on.

Rei checked her items as soon as she had logged on. She sighed and close the window. All of her items were still there, including... "They didn't take my Coconut Milk!" she said as she happily took it out of the inventory and began to drink it. Rei walked a litte off the platform and sat down. I was right..., she thought as she looked around. Those players from yesterday aren't here. She shook her head and looked out at the Root Town. "Poor guys... They should've kept playing...," she said a little disappointed. She went back to drinking her Coconut Milk.

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(Jessie Has Logged In)

a large black swirl came down and left a player standing on a mountain high above the main town. he looked down and sat on a rock. watching carefully. the red jewel on his necklace glowed faintly, and then four monster portals opened, and two large, and two small hobb goblins appeared. the smaller ones carried staffs, and threw magic bombs, small, but effective. the larger ones carried big clubs. they appeared all around a player he saw log on, and he smiled" shall we entertain ourselves? of course i'll help if anything goes bad."

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(OoC: I'm going to refer to Thanatos and Kris and 'he', simply because of its demeanor, and Thanatos being male in mythology.)

[Thanatos has logged in.]

[Hypnos has logged in.]

[Current area: Helios Desert]

"Augh, this place is so lifeless!" Than spat as he kicked over a barrel. His arms were crossed behind his head and his expression was pure malice. "And that ganker. Oh, that bastard had better wait, even just a day! I'll kick his ass into the next ice age!" His arms flew to his sides as he crushed the barrel beneath his boot.

"What makes tomorrow so special? If you're going to level up, I suggest fighting something instead of destroying barrels," Nos stated almost in a monotone voice. He was sitting down, leaning against a broken down pillar, hat shading his eyes from the glaring overhead sun.

Than turned around abrutly, still full of fury, and growled, "Well, here's an idea. How 'bout you just let me PK you until I level up s'more?"

"Thanks, but no thanks," came the reply, dry as ever. "Hell, I'll help you out. I'll sit back and heal, and you can go to town on high-level creeps, 'kay?" Nos slowly rose to his feet, dusting off his coat. "Wow. I actually got sand all over me from the wind. Tech these days is astounding", he said aside. "I'm sure we'll run into something sooner or later."

"And if they're too high level for us?"

"I keep a ton of The Moon on me, you know that."

"Eh, fine. Three levels today or I steal your bus pass again."

"You sure know how to motivate someone who's trying to help."

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Rei looked up as soon as she saw four hob-goblins enter the town. "Huh? That's strange," she said as she stood up. She put away her Coconut Milk and got out her staff, the red crystal shining from the virtual sunlight. "I thought that Root Towns were safe..." She held up her staff and casted a fire spell on the two big onees. The two-hob goblins turned grey and disappeared. She turned back to the others. "These guys are really weak...," she muttered as she casted the fire spell on them too. She watched them disappear before taking out her Coconut Milk again and sitting down. "Wonder where they came from..."

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jess turned and saw two people in the desert" well.. since that's deserted by the monsters for the day... might as well make things interesting. as he spoke this Jewel glowed once more and a large Thunder element dragon began to rise from the sand next to them. he then turned back to rei" this one could be quite the entertainment.... I'll have to try harder.." as he said this the ground a few feet in front of rei cracked and spiked a little. as he moved his fingers a large Rock Troll began to rise form the ground, standing around five times the player character's size, and twice her level.

(Jess is so evil XD.)

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((Wait! I thought he was an admin! What the heck?!))

Rei dropped her Coconut Milk and stared up at the gigantic Rock Troll. "This isn't good....," she said quickly standing up. She got out her staff again and casted a barrier on herself. "Those guys weren't so tough...," she casted a fire spell on it, "But this guy seems way worse!" Rei watched as the spell did nothing to it and only anger it more. "I guess it's time to..." She stepped back and ran away from it, towards Helio Desert. "RUN!!!!" Off in the distance, she could see others and a- "What is that?" she asked as she stopped shortly away from the tree.

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((OoC: Okay, before I start OMGWTFWHYPLEASESTOP ranting, even if your character is a 'demi-god', you're seriously abusing your character's position. Also. Nos and Than are in the middle of nowhere. How does one turn around and see a town one time and the middle of a desert the next? Anyways, I'll go with it for now. Also, I'm going with the R2 weapon summoning bit.))

"Yeah, because before we can even move, a giant *BLEEP*ing dragon spawns right in front of us. Okay, okay. Nos, you got enough stuff for this?" Thanatos began jumping back and forth as he pulled two wicked black gauntlets studded with red claws from seemingly nowhere. Fists raised, he was ready for the beast.

"Yeah, yeah. Health drinks, healing serum, etc., etc. I'll just stay back here, okay? If I recall correctly, someone decided to take my money, so I couldn't afford and revival items. That means don't die," Nos shouted from a distance.

"That money was for a good cause!" Than yelled as he dove towards the dragon. In one deft movement, he ducked a swing of its claws, rolled behind the beast, and left a gash on its other forepaw. "Ahaha! Suck it, you freakin' lizard!" he roared as he ran around the beast, creating a dance of blades accented by ribbons of crimson blood.

"Hey, sweet. I don't have to do anything. Than's got this covered," Nos sighed, as he struggled to keep himself awake.

((OoC: Don't want to kill draggy quite yet, hehe.))

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( He is a mod. His mod position is events, and keeping the game" Interesting" XD and he's on... well the mod base looks like amountain to the regular players, its sort of a "Mount Olympus type thing... Desert on one half's side, and root town on the other, and he's sitting at the highest point.. i admit... he does kinda abuse his power though... only every now and again....)

Jessie turned and hopped down. he slid off the roof and onto the streets of the mod root town. he walked up and used a gate spell to teleport him into the Helio desert. he smiled and watched from afar. his hood up. his player's crimson eyes watched, intrigued at the other player's fighitng style.

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Lee Song-Fang has Logged In

A small orb of light appeared and small rings began to lower from under the orb. The rings began to enlarge as they lowered down to the ground. Within the rings, an outline of a male character formed within the rings. As the rings lowered, data began to fill itself in the outline and more details fill in. As the rings disappeared onto the ground and the orb flew off into the air. Lee stood where the rings were with his right hand behind his back and his left slowly raises up to his face. Lee turns around as he stares blankly around the area he had warped himself to. Lee slowly turned around and looked at the ground and the sand. A desert from the looks of it. He had made it so he would appear in a location with another player nearby, now...where was the player that he had to randomly appear near. Lee stopped as he spotted more than one player. Lee moved forward and slowly drew his left hand outward as the long armored gauntlet that covered his entire arm. Lee then rose his right hand back and outward as his large sword began to glow and his charachter faded as he appeared in a root town with a wide smile on his face.

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Jessie turned and looked around, his black hoody swaying slightly. the wind picked up and he stared, as he turned full circle. he walked boredly back to the root town and opened the large doors that separated it form the outside. he closed them behind him and walked forwards, stopping when he saw a King character a few feet from him.

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Lee slowly turned his head around and smiled as he looked at another player. Lee's eyes widened as he knew why this player seemed to stand out to him. He was a Demi-God, one of which Lee did not like. Lee slowly rose his right arm up as he placed his sword on his right shoulder as he tilted his head to the left and he rose his left arm up

"AH, Welcome Demi-God. I have so longed to meet one of you!"

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Jessie smiled, even though he knew who, and what the player was." oh... it's always nice to meet a fan..." he said, reaching up to grab the black crystal, and hide the fact that it was glowing. he curled his left hand slightly, and hid it behind his back." the name's Jessie... how bout you?"

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Oblivious to the exchange of pleasantries by the two masters of data, Than kept whitling away at the dragon's HP, expertly dodging and parry many of the beast's attacks. Nos, still safe in the background, threw out heals as needed, and for the most part, it was an incredibly routine, boring fight.

Finally, with one last attack from Thanatos, the great dragon fell over in defeat, leaving behind a healthy sum of gp and experience. "Geez, three level-ups in one fight? That's rediculous!" Than spluttered in disbelief.

"Four here," replied Nos. "And this means I get to keep my bus pass for another day."

[Thanatos has reached level 15!]

[Hypnos has reached level 13!]

[The party gains a lot of gp.]

[The party notices a female mage, a lowbie, even in comparison to them.]

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Lee let his left hand roll around in the air slowly

"I go by many names, but for the players of 'The World'. I am Lee Song-Fang, Lee if you will..."

Lee slowly let his left hand clench into a fist as he then lowered his fist as it aimed toward the other

"It is nice to meet you Jessie..."

Lee paused for a moment as his sword began to faintly flicker a light blue. Lee then turned his head to notice the other players and he then looks back to Jessie

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Jessie smirked and said" likewise.. it's always nice to meet someone who might be entertaining." he smiled. he released his necklace and brought his hands together in front of him. he then kneeled and slammed his open palms against the ground." maybe once you defeat this... I'll deem you worth of clashing with me..." as Jessie said this, two rock trolls, a earth troll, and a ice troll began to emerge from the ground around Lee, the entire area shaking as the enormous beasts appeared. Jessie stood back and leaned sideways, as he did this, a small bow appeared under his arm.

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Rei (all this time...) was trying to fend off as many attacks from the troll as possible. She had been struck already over 15 times and was about to get killed. Her SP had been drained dramatically and so had her HP. She looked back over at the other two players. "Um...Can I have a little help here?" she asked as she blocked another attack. Her SP went down again and her HP took some damage. The troll roared and slammed it's fists down on Rei. "Please?!?!" Her barrier broke and shattered before it disappeared into bits of data. She fell on her back and tried to use her staff as protection. The troll roared once more and raised it's fists to to strike the final blow.

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Jessie turns, and looks at the monster. he seems to move faster than the eye can see. he appears behind the monster and jabs it in the back with his reaver's pointed spike fingers. he then pulls back, curls his fist, and jumps, uppercutting the blades into the beats back. he used a skill" BLACK WIDOW!" he yelled as the beast split in half and disappeared. he smiled and offered her a hand" hi... I'm a mod.. i have to be leaving soon, so i have to ask a favor of you..."

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Rei sat up and took his hand. "Thanks." She checked her HP and SP, barely enough for a healing spell. "I should've brought at least a few Health Drinks....," she muttered to herself. She turned to the on who had saved her. "A mod?" she asked bewildered. "Um...Sure. What's the favor?" she asked. A mod... saved me? she wondered, That seems kind of out of the ordinary....

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Lee quickly turns his head toward the ice troll first, then the two rock troll and then turns around to the earth troll. Lee then pauses for a moment as he tightens his grip on his swords hilt

"Clashing with you? Oh, I will do more than clash with you...."

Lee quickly raises his arms up in front of his face as a blue aura flickers around his charachter and he throws his arms down as the area around him erupts around him.


Lee turned to a rock troll and dove upward and landed on it's chest and drew his sword back and stabbed it into the head. Lee then forced himself off of the troll and drew his left arm back and forced it into the chest of the earth troll. Lee brought his arm up through the rock troll and picked a large chunk of the troll and hurled it at the ice troll shattering it. Lee then quickly stood beside his sword that was stabbed into the ground looking at Jessie, the flickering blue aura around him.

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