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I had this dream last night where I got laid

I woke up, though, with a girl sucking my dick

then I woke up again with a girl fucking my dick

then I woke up again to semen all over my blankets

Then I woke up again with my grandma in my room

Then I woke up again being dead

what the hell.

Rules of this topic:

- Take the story from above, reword it and make it better by improving the grammar errors and adding more content.

- If someone has posted their own "iteration" on it, don't improve this post, improve theirs

- Make sure you format your post to make that little mess of sentences I have to make it turn into an actual story. That's the goal of this topic.


Post #1

i has a dream last night..

Post #2

I had a dream last night..


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I had this dream last night where I got laid by this duck sucking my dick. It felt like ice cream. I took that fucking duck and stuck the dick that was between it's beak right in its tight little asshole. That ought to show him. What a nigger ass duck. I woke up to a duck actually sucking my dick. It still felt like ice cream. I was pissed off. So I ripped my nutsack off and threw it in the duck's eye. Thankfully that was a dream too and I woke up to a loud banging noise of shit hitting my carpet. That fucking duck was back and it was on the fan. I swear I ripped my dick out of my panties so fast I got whiplash. That duck had it coming. Right before the tip of my head was in the tight little asshole, I woke up once more to see my grandma in my bed with me with a duck mask on. What the fuck did I do last night.

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