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Here I Go....

Princess Rei

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HELLO!!!! I'm Princess Rei. But when I joined The Apeiron Knights they started calling me 'Lady Rei'. .... Uh.... Ok.... Kinda still not use to it.... BUT it's at the bottom, near my signature. Yeah.... Uh... I think I ran out of things to say. Oh yeah! Well, I'm new to here. (I feel like a traitor to another site, somewhat.) I heard about this site from a "spam" thing on another site's BBS. I think a lot of people wanted to try this place out now that that person "spammed" the site onto there. *cough**cough*Uh.... I forgot who did it....*cough**cough* Um... I made this account yesterday but I remember joining [The World] game um...I don't remember....@.@ ... Well, this was a long post... Anyways.... HELLO! ?Rei?

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Guest Melphina Micaela

Lol, I heard it from a friend on that same site, so no worries. I kinda get what you mean about the traitor thing too. T^T

But at the end of the day, I know I'll always return to that other site. :3

That shouldn't stop me from hanging around and making friends here for a while too though. happy.png

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You're all free to visit here whenever you want ^^

(Not sure about the traitor stuff though >_< It's not as if you're born part of that site and now trying to blow it up or something :D lol. Although maybe that other site thinks that their members shouldn't be on other similar websites and if they are, they're considered a traitor? >_< Anyway, we don't think in such absurd ways, so you can feel at ease lol ^^)

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...Seriously though, don't worry about the whole "traitor" thing, you aren't betraying anything or anyone just for joining here, and because you're here it doesn't mean you'll leave the other forums or treat us like we're the bad guys; you're here to have fun, make friends, and see if the forums are nice to you, and whether they are or not, it should be a decision only yours and not pushed by someone else's ideas.

Also, i think each site should be judged for their members and the way they treat each other, and similar interests should be something to be shared and bring support, not act as if we're in some war and everyone who is similar to us is immediatly an enemy >3>

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