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.hack//G.U. Trilogy (Trailer 2 Translated And now Trailer 3 as well)

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For those of you that don't know what this is, get down to http://www.dothackers.net

I've translated the second (and by far the best and longest) trailer (with the typsetting done thanks to ZeroTheBurninator)

View it on youtube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sV1j6NNByGE

And download the original raw/transalted (better than youtube quality) trailerĀ  here: http://www.dothackers.net (at the moment the translated trailer 2 link there is for the old version, but hopefully it'll be changed to the newest one (that is that youtube one) soon.

Edit: Trailer 3 Translated: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wpexa0XzKg

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New trailer that reveals a bit of information most people waiting to see the movie want to know, such as whether Xth Form will make an appearance. Also, several scenes show that the story will follow the games a bit more closely than we initially thought.

Warning, the trailer is NOT subbed.

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Not quite, but more like from how Xth Form is introduced... It seems to be introduced as a resolver, rather than something that's just going to become evil eventually. I think what's going to happen is that Haseo is transformed into B-st form some time after he's infected by Atoli, then he goes back to his 2nd form, and goes into Xth Form. That's my opinion and interpretation, we'll all just have to wait until the movie.

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Zer0 Recently posted the whole movie, But my connection was disabled, I get it back on today only to find they suspended his account, Proberly for uploading the video, Youtube has betray'd us :D, I'll proberly find another site, >.< but im stillĀ  mad.

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