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What's this board for?


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This is now the place to discuss the going's on in The World (The game we are developing).

If you have a story of an adventure or something along those lines to tell, then there is a board for that, as is there a board for asking or answering questions based on The World above this post.

Everything else you want to discuss that is based on this game can be discussed here.

So of course, as the game is not out at the moment, there won't be much use for this board right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I don't know if it's ok to post this here, but I'll do it anyway... just wanted to say that I got very excited with the idea of having a real mmorpg based in .hack, even if it's in 2D, I'll be checking the progress and see if I can help in anything... at least with ideas cause i'm not good at programming and that stuff yet ^^U

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  • 11 months later...

This is more about the whole forging thing. Maybe, forging weapons would be a reward for clearing a rare quest. You would receive a special untradeable item ( like a pass or ticket ) to enter a shop. The NPC there would forge the item based on the materials he/she requests. maybe something like


Weapon to forge: Centipede


Added materials: Eye of goblin

Required GP: 10,000


Result: Dark Centipede


Stat Bonus: Atk+2 Agi+4


You know, like the alchemisation shop.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's a bit early for such suggestions, but it'd be better to post your own topic in Game Feedback rather than having everyone try to post their own suggestions all in this one topic >_<;

what is this board for....?

haha, jk but ingenious topic name luke, it'll attract new people like moths to flame

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

;D I would like to know any way I could help


      I know about the idea of coding, but I don't have any experience

      If you teach me how to code(and I'm totally willing to learn) I would be ahppy to contribute to this awesome cause.

if I could do ANYTHING to help things along message me or email me cerilious@gmail.com

Edit: lol, sorry! I didn't mean to ask resources of you, some people have enough free time

edit2: did you smite me for this.... it's understandable if you did....

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