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I probably need to discharge some RANDOM


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So LET'S MAKE AS STORY we write paragraph each and CONTINUITY IS IMPORTANT PEOPLE okIwillgofirst

So a cat walks into a bar and sees a suspicious red dot on the wall. Curiosity would soon take over our feline hero and send him off to the wall to investigate, for the strangely laser pointer-like dot was moving back and forth along the wall as if searching for something. Little did the cat know that the dot was, in fact, the laser-sight of a Barrett M107 .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle.

Rules (wait what?)

*Killing the cat is against the rules (WE HAVE RULES NOW?)

*Making the sniper leave is against the rules (SERIOUSLY, RULES?)

*Making the sniper succeed with whatever he is attempting is against the rules (oh ok then.)

*???? (Wow, this tells me exactly what I need to do and I will keep this in mind not only when posting in this topic, but in fact when doing anything that involves creative work; a life lesson if there ever was one)

*Making the sniper fire one shot every two paragraphs is obligatory, first shot goes off in the next paragraph (SWEET!)

Serious posts only.

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So a sniper walks into a bar and sees a suspicious cat on the wall. Curiosity would soon take over our antagonist assassin and send him off to the other side of the room to investigate, for the strangely dog-like cat was moving back and forth along the wall as if searching for something. Little did the sniper know that the cat was, in fact, the laser-sight of a Barett MEOW107 .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle. The sniper takes a deep breath, exhales slowly, and squeezes the trigger.
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So a bullet enters a bar and sees a suspicious assassin on the ground. Curiosity would soon take over our side-character bullet and send him off to the other side of the room to penetrate, for the strangely someone-who-is-not-actually-the-real-assassin-like assassin was looking back and forth along the wall as if following for something. Little did the bullet know that the assassin was, in fact, trailed by the laser-sight of Mother Gun, a Gun and also the adoptive Mother of the Bullet. The bullet takes a deep breath, exhales slowly, and pierces the fake assassin's head.

The assassin who entered the bar is not the real assassin?


Clarification: The real assassin is outside the bar and it is against the rules to make him go anywhere else. He is firing through the window.

The cat is the hero of the story. The cat will eat the assassin's head in the end. Without leaving the bar.

Figure out how that works?

Think about it for a few seconds



Figured it out now? Good!

Now you're thinking with Portals!

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So a fake assassin does not enter a bar and does not see a suspicious assassin on the ground. Curiosity soon would not take over our fake character and send him nowhere near the bar, for the strangely normal surroundings surrounding him

the fake assassin is a wall outside that got shot

elsewhere, a second gunshot pierces the air

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So a second bullet enters a- ok, fuck that.

The second bullet shatters a window, strangely one on an entirely different wall than the first bullet (COULD IT BE THAT THERE ARE TWO REAL ASSASSINS? No. It just bounced off a car. Our assassin is like that.. It flies in and enters the cat's tail, where it is greatly confused by the lack of attention given to it.

Poor bullet. It couldn't have know, nor could its shooter have known, that the tail was in fact a metal-eating dinosaur nose.

The dinosaur nose would eat the bullet before the cat even recognized its existence.

The cat was perplexed by the vanishing of the red dot. Instead, however, there was now...

A shadow. On the wall. From outside. Cast by the real assassin. Courtesy of a conveniently (mis?)placed flashlight. Shaped as the upper body of a human.


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