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.hack//Link demo available

Zered Heizien

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Here's how it works, goto the official site and click on the highlighted button on the lower right on each step page.


On the third step, there's a download button at the top which gives you a ZIP file, 47 MB's.

To add this game to your PSP, connect your PSP to your PC via USB and wait for your operating system to detect the PSP. Once that's done, open the directory to your PC from My Computer. Navigate to the PSPGAME directory. Copy and paste the NPJH90083 directory from the ZIP file to the GAME directory on your PSP.

Disconnect your USB cable. On your PSP goto the game tab and to the Memory Stick button. If done correctly, you'll find the .hack//LINK Trial Version among your saved games. A software update may be required to start if you haven't already, do so and ENJOY!

Started playing recently, not bad for a PSP game.

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Here's how it works, goto the official site and click on the highlighted button on the lower right on each step page.


On the third step, there's a download button at the top which gives you a ZIP file, 47 MB's.

To add this game to your PSP, connect your PSP to your PC via USB and wait for your operating system to detect the PSP. Once that's done, open the directory to your PC from My Computer. Navigate to the PSPGAME directory. Copy and paste the NPJH90083 directory from the ZIP file to the GAME directory on your PSP.

Disconnect your USB cable. On your PSP goto the game tab and to the Memory Stick button. If done correctly, you'll find the .hack//LINK Trial Version among your saved games. A software update may be required to start if you haven't already, do so and ENJOY!

Started playing recently, not bad for a PSP game.

Anji Roru Aurarios:D/b] "Uhm...Insydius-san? Did you copycat those directions from Edan-san at the dothack Integral website? Because if you did, then PLEASE give credit to Edan-san as THAT is plagiarism, which stated from the law of English is a baaad thing to do."

Demora Roru Aurarios:P/b] "Sort of a good point from my sister there. Anyway, to inform everyone who is reading our message is that my sister and I are playing the .hack//Link Demo version from the PSP console. And boy was it awesome of the graphic style, the monsters to attack at, and...hmm...not sure if the button controls system can be more complex than that...but who cares as I like to fight MONSTERS!!" *pounds a monster-shroom in the grass field*

Anji Roru Aurarios:P/b] "Tehee, same as usual for my sister. Anyway, it really HAS been a while since The World R:2.  Hope the adventures in The World R:X is more astounding. And the best of all is when they add all of the .hack universe timeline stories altogether at once to make everything spoken clearly upon the mysteries of The World itself. Yay, I cannot wait."

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  • 3 weeks later...

but button mashing is soo cool.

There are very few things we usually agree upon and this is one of them... ;D

lols, i was actually kidding.. im not a big button mashing fan :D but i must admit i can certainly tap a button faster than anyone i know lols.

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but button mashing is soo cool.

There are very few things we usually agree upon and this is one of them... ;D

lols, i was actually kidding.. im not a big button mashing fan :D but i must admit i can certainly tap a button faster than anyone i know lols.


Kingdom Hearts is a button Mashing game.......

I'll leave you to your thinking...

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