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TGS 2009 .hack//LINK Debut Trailer


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it looks pretty awesome.. the only downfall is that its for the psp..

and i bet the reason all the characters are there has to do something with its name link.

Anji Roru Aurarios:D/b] "It might be plausible Crim-san, as I am guessing that the Akashic Records, the Chrono Cores, Tokio's special ability, and the mysterious black disc given to him to transport him into the game, might have some quality connections about it as the company were saying few months earlier that this final game will combine the historical truth from the beginning of Fragment all the way to The World R2 together."


its the last major .hack series, so its going to end with a bang.

though... i do wonder what .hack//ChupChopCase and .hack//X'over will be like..

Demora Roru Aurarios:D/b] "My turn for this sis.  *Ahem* To answer that question, I have heard from the info speculated in the dothack wikia site that .hack//ChupChopCase will explain of how Mia, the character from The World R1, have been deleted by the GU Project and how Piros get his second character or something.  .hack//X'over...well...sis and I never heard that information yet, so we will check back to you once we get the info about that."

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Anji Roru Aurarios:D/b] "Speaking of animated clips...has anyone else notice that the company are making some sort of Anime movie for the .hack//Link PSP as an aside note? Because, comparing from those animated short clip scenes and the manga clip scenes, both are drawn different.  I think the company has a different author..."

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