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anyone beat the bonus ending for .hack//quarantine?


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like the title says i was wondering if anyone else has beaten the bonus ending for //quarantine, for those who haven't i'll put a spoiler here so you can(if you can) beat that epic feat.

okay, it was 99 floors of data bugs, dead ends, guardians, super powerful monsters, and listening to the same dungeon music for 2 hours. i ended up having TO PRAY TO GOD that my data drain wouldnt backfire and murder me. it was like G.U.s forest of pain times about a million. even being the hardcore gamer that i am it took me 3 tries on that dungeon! and that means 3 times of over powered data bugs and guardians for 99 floors >.< but it was worth it because at the end after all that blood, sweat, and smitherine blasted monters. i finally saw the bonus ending which made the .hack series so much more addicting. i felt that beating it meant that i truly beat the series. and those who just went cheap on it and saw it on the net should be put to shame!

(BTW guys i don't recommend trying this dungeon unless you have maxed out most of your stats and are at least half insane)

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it's only 15 floors, not 99.

It wasn't that hard to go through.

Just don't get into any unnecessary fights and only use normal Data Drain and you should be fine.

i think your thinking of the wrong bonus ending :D

it was the mia's rebirth bonus ending..i think

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it's only 15 floors, not 99.

It wasn't that hard to go through.

Just don't get into any unnecessary fights and only use normal Data Drain and you should be fine.

i think your thinking of the wrong bonus ending :D

it was the mia's rebirth bonus ending..i think

I know that.

? Hidden Darkside Holy Ground is only 15 floors long, not 99.

Don't know what you were smoking to make you think there were 99  :P

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