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.hack//Redemption Cubia Battle....


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Okay I recently finished Redemption and it made me really mad because the battle with Cubia was WAAAAAAY to easy...when it was over I said "THAT'S IT?!?!" Being an amateur gamer I expected a difficult battle especially it Cubia was causing a Third Network Crisis..... :D :P( :P( Did anyone find it frustratingly easy??

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He's much weaker on GU than in IMOQ. Then again GU sucks azz anyhow compared to the first series. But Cubia is still as awesome as ever. <3 Just ....all dot hack games are easy for me, but I'm an experienced avid gamer. >_>;

Cubia ftw!

~ Cubia

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The G.U. series in general was too easy.

Not once have I ever gotten a game over, even on a boss fight.

The ability to guard made the game too easy.

A simple guard could prevent a majority of the damage you would take.

Combine that with an ability to prevent all damage 30(50?) and under, and you dont die.

Which brings me to the thing that made the game truly toooo easy... weapon/armor/accessory customization.

With the right customizations, you could prevent all damage, prevent abnormal status's, and even inflict whoever hits you with abnormal status's.

Hell, the "all damage goes to GP" ability makes it so you effectively have a 1+million hp shield before you even start to take damage.

Or if you choose to just equip the doppleganger armor and accessory, you pretty much dont have to worry about anything whatsoever.

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the only thing I like about GU is the story line...thats really one of the only reasons I played it...I was rather disappointed about the game compared to IMOQ (battle and such) although one thing that annoyes me about all .hack games is that they leave you in the dark till the end of the game then EVERYTHING comes together...

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