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Okay so I wanted to learn C# to start making t3h Xbox games... which works great... the issue is I need to learn the language in itself... and I'm not a memorizing guy... so you see the problem... however I manage to be able to use GML... and am able to program quite fine with it... However with C# you have to make objects with Code instead of the new object button... So does anybody know, is there like a book or something that can teach me c# or can somebody give some theory on it or something... or maybe a magic EXE to C# thing (that way I can make games in GM then transfer them to C# and make xbox games... w00t)

(BTW Luke after trying to learn C# I have a new found appreciation for what you've accomplished here(and any game programmer anywhere for that matter)... as believe you've used C# for parts of this game) 

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I'm actually think our server is coded in C++, but it might be C#.

In any case, C# isn't object oriented.

Now, there are tons of books on learning C#. I mean literally tons. There are websites too. cplusplus.com has great articles for learning C++ and I bet there is a C# equivalent out there.

Oh and I'd suggest you don't go for XNA right away. That's a tad bit too ambitious to be pulled off right off the bat :D

If you know Java, I'd suggest playing around with the Slick2D Library a bit.

Yeah, programming is advanced stuff. Requires tons of practical experience.

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Server's C++, Game launcher/updater's C#

C# is VERY OOP (Object Orientated Programming)

Looking at examples and altering them etc ftw :D

(For me, using C# with .NET for what I did was rather very simple, simpler than lots of things I did with GameMaker lol, but that's because a lot of it was just simple form stuff using the awesome Microsoft Visual C# 2008 lol)

No simple magic to do it for you though, well, except your own hard work :P

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yeah the site itself has some tuts... but I'll check this site out.... I just want to actually figure out how to properly state objects n stuff... because I can look at the code and tell what it does, but I can't create it :D kinda like Spanish... 

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